Source code for drizzlepac.haputils.catalog_utils

"""This script contains code to support creation of photometric sourcelists using two techniques:
aperture photometry and segmentation-map based photometry."""
import copy
import math
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from packaging.version import Version

from import fits as fits
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats, gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma
from astropy.table import Column, MaskedColumn, Table, join, vstack
from astropy.convolution import RickerWavelet2DKernel, convolve
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage, stats

from photutils.segmentation import (detect_sources, SourceCatalog,
from photutils.aperture import CircularAperture, CircularAnnulus
from photutils.background import (Background2D, SExtractorBackground,
from photutils.detection import DAOStarFinder, IRAFStarFinder
from photutils.utils import calc_total_error

from import logutil
from stwcs.wcsutil import HSTWCS

from . import astrometric_utils
from . import constants
from . import photometry_tools
from . import deconvolve_utils as decutils
from . import processing_utils as proc_utils

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
except Exception:
    plt = None

CATALOG_TYPES = ['aperture', 'segment']

# B1950, J2000 and other valid RADESYS values do not transform natively to ICRS
# Only these options support conversion to/from ICRS in WCSLIB.

id_colname = 'label'
flux_colname = 'segment_flux'
ferr_colname = 'segment_fluxerr'
bac_colname = 'background_centroid'

__taskname__ = 'catalog_utils'

SPLUNK_MSG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s src=%(name)s- %(message)s'
log = logutil.create_logger(__name__, level=logutil.logging.NOTSET, stream=sys.stdout,
                            format=SPLUNK_MSG_FORMAT, datefmt=MSG_DATEFMT)

[docs] class CatalogImage: def __init__(self, filename, num_images_mask, log_level): # set logging level to user-specified level log.setLevel(log_level) if isinstance(filename, str): self.imghdu = self.imgname = filename else: self.imghdu = filename self.imgname = filename.filename() # This is the "footprint_mask" of the total product object which indicates # the number of images which comprise each individual pixel self.num_images_mask = num_images_mask # Get header information to annotate the output catalogs if "total" in self.imgname: self.ghd_product = "tdp" else: self.ghd_product = "fdp" # Fits file read = self.imghdu[('SCI', 1)].data self.wht_image = self.imghdu['WHT'].data.copy() # Add blank/empty flag self.blank = False data_vals = np.nan_to_num(, 0) if data_vals.min() == 0 and data_vals.max() == 0: self.blank = True del data_vals # Get the HSTWCS object from the first extension self.imgwcs = HSTWCS(self.imghdu, 1) self.keyword_dict = self._get_header_data() # Populated by self.compute_background() self.bkg_background_ra = None self.bkg_rms_ra = None self.bkg_rms_median = None self.bkg_median = None self.footprint_mask = None self.inv_footprint_mask = None self.bkg_type = "" # Populated by self.build_kernel() self.kernel = None self.kernel_fwhm = None self.kernel_psf = False def close(self): self.imghdu.close() self.bkg_background_ra = None self.bkg_rms_ra = None self.bkg_rms_median = None # Finished with wht_image, clean up memory immediately... del self.wht_image self.wht_image = None def build_kernel(self, box_size, win_size, fwhmpsf, simple_bkg=False, bkg_skew_threshold=0.5, zero_percent=25.0, negative_percent=15.0, nsigma_clip=3.0, maxiters=3, good_fwhm=[1.5, 3.5]): if self.blank: return if self.bkg_background_ra is None: self.compute_background(box_size, win_size, simple_bkg=simple_bkg, bkg_skew_threshold=bkg_skew_threshold, zero_percent=zero_percent, negative_percent=negative_percent, nsigma_clip=nsigma_clip, maxiters=maxiters)"Attempt to determine FWHM based upon input data within a good FWHM range of {:.2f} to {:.2f}.".format(good_fwhm[0], good_fwhm[1]))"If no good FWHM candidate is identified, a value of {:.2f} will be used instead.".format(fwhmpsf / self.imgwcs.pscale)) k, self.kernel_fwhm = astrometric_utils.build_auto_kernel(, self.wht_image, good_fwhm=good_fwhm, num_fwhm=50, threshold=self.bkg_rms_ra, fwhm=fwhmpsf / self.imgwcs.pscale) (self.kernel, self.kernel_psf) = k def compute_background(self, box_size, win_size, bkg_estimator=SExtractorBackground, rms_estimator=StdBackgroundRMS, simple_bkg=False, bkg_skew_threshold=0.5, zero_percent=25.0, negative_percent=15.0, nsigma_clip=3.0, maxiters=3): """Use a sigma-clipped algorithm or Background2D to determine the background of the input image. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Numpy array of the science extension from the observations FITS file. box_size : int Size of box along each axis win_size : int Size of 2D filter to apply to the background image bkg_estimator : subroutine background estimation algorithm rms_estimator : subroutine RMS estimation algorithm simple_bkg : bool, optional Forces use of the sigma_clipped_stats algorithm bkg_skew_threshold : float, optional Discriminator on the skewness computation - below this limit the Background2D algorithm will be computed for potential use for the background determination, otherwise the sigma_clipped_stats algorithm is used. zero_percent : float, optional Discriminator on the input image. The percentage of zero values in the illuminated portion of the input image is determined - if there are more zero values than this lower limit, then the background is set to an image of constant value zero and the background rms is computed based on the pixels which are non-zero in the illuminated portion of the input image. negative_percent : float, optional Discriminator on the background-subtracted image. The percentage of negative values in the background-subtracted image is determined - below this limit the Background2D algorithm stays in play, otherwise the sigma_clipped_stats algorithm is used. nsigma_clip : float, optional Parameter for the sigma_clipped_stats algorithm - number of standard deviations to use for both the lower and upper clipping limit. maxiters : float, optional Parameter for the sigma_clipped_stats algorithm - number of sigma-clipping iterations to perform Attributes ---------- self.bkg_background_ra : 2D ndarray Background array self.bkg_rms_ra : 2D ndarray RMS map array self.bkg_median : float background median value over entire 2D array self.bkg_rms_median : float background rms value over entire 2D array self.footprint_mask : bool 2Dndarry Footprint of input image set to True for the illuminated portion and False for the non-illuminated portion self.inv_footprint_mask : bool 2Dndarry Inverse of the footprint_mask """ if self.blank: self.bkg_type = 'empty'"")"*** Background image EMPTY. ***") return # Negative allowance in sigma negative_sigma = -1.0 # Report configuration values to log"")"Background Computation")"File: {}".format(self.imgname))"Zero threshold: {}".format(zero_percent))"Sigma-clipped Background Configuration Variables")" Negative percent threshold: {}".format(negative_percent))" Negative sigma: {}".format(negative_sigma))" Nsigma: {}".format(nsigma_clip))" Number of iterations: {}".format(maxiters))"Background2D Configuration Variables")" Box size: {}".format(box_size))" Window size: {}".format(win_size))"Background discriminant - skew threshold: {}".format(bkg_skew_threshold)) # SExtractorBackground ans StdBackgroundRMS are the defaults bkg = None is_zero_background_defined = False # Make a local copy of the data(image) being processed in order to reset any # data values which equal nan (e.g., subarrays) to zero. imgdata = np.nan_to_num(, copy=True, nan=0.0) # In order to compute the proper statistics on the input data, need to use the footprint # mask to get the actual data - illuminated portion (True), non-illuminated (False). footprint_mask = self.num_images_mask > 0 self.footprint_mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(footprint_mask, iterations=10) self.inv_footprint_mask = np.invert(self.footprint_mask) # If the image contains a lot of values identically equal to zero (as in some SBC images), # set the two-dimensional background image to a constant of zero and the background rms to # the real rms of the non-zero values in the image. num_of_illuminated_pixels = self.footprint_mask.sum() num_of_zeros = np.count_nonzero(imgdata[self.footprint_mask] == 0) non_zero_pixels = imgdata[self.footprint_mask] # BACKGROUND COMPUTATION 1 (unusual case) # If there are too many background zeros in the image (> number_of_zeros_in_background_threshold), set the # background median and background rms values if num_of_zeros / float(num_of_illuminated_pixels) * 100.0 > zero_percent: self.bkg_median = 0.0 self.bkg_rms_median = stats.tstd(non_zero_pixels, limits=[0, None], inclusive=[False, True]) self.bkg_background_ra = np.full_like(imgdata, 0.0) self.bkg_rms_ra = np.full_like(imgdata, self.bkg_rms_median) self.bkg_type = 'zero_background' is_zero_background_defined = True"Input image contains excessive zero values in the background. Median: {} RMS: {}".format(self.bkg_median, self.bkg_rms_median)) # BACKGROUND COMPUTATION 2 (sigma_clipped_stats) # If the input data is not the unusual case of an "excessive zero background", compute # a sigma-clipped background which returns only single values for mean, # median, and standard deviations if not is_zero_background_defined:"")"Computing the background using sigma-clipped statistics algorithm.") bkg_mean_full, bkg_median_full, bkg_rms_full = sigma_clipped_stats(imgdata, self.inv_footprint_mask, sigma=nsigma_clip, cenfunc='median', maxiters=maxiters) # guard against median being negative (can happen for mostly nebulous fields) if bkg_median_full < 0.0: # Recompute after adjusting input image data so that entire image is positive # This corrects for any gross over-subtraction of the background from the image imgdata -= (bkg_median_full - bkg_rms_full) bkg_mean_full, bkg_median_full, bkg_rms_full = sigma_clipped_stats(imgdata, self.inv_footprint_mask, sigma=nsigma_clip, cenfunc='median', maxiters=maxiters) # Compute Pearson’s second coefficient of skewness - this is a criterion # for possibly computing a two-dimensional background fit # Use the "raw" values generated by sigma_clipped_stats() # based on full unmasked image bkg_skew = np.abs(3.0 * (bkg_mean_full - bkg_median_full) / bkg_rms_full)"Sigma-clipped computed skewness: {0:.2f}".format(bkg_skew)) # Refine background to better compute the median value imgnz = imgdata * self.footprint_mask imgnz = imgnz[imgnz > 0.0] # only want non-negative values imgvals = imgnz[imgnz < (bkg_median_full + (bkg_rms_full * 0.1))] bkg_mean, bkg_median, bkg_rms = sigma_clipped_stats(imgvals, None, sigma=nsigma_clip, cenfunc='median')"Sigma-clipped Statistics - Background mean: {} median: {} rms: {}".format(bkg_mean, bkg_median, bkg_rms))"") # Ensure the computed values are not negative if bkg_mean < 0.0 or bkg_median < 0.0 or bkg_rms < 0.0: bkg_mean = max(0, bkg_mean) bkg_median = max(0, bkg_median) bkg_rms = max(0, bkg_rms)"UPDATED Sigma-clipped Statistics - Background mean: {} median: {} rms: {}".format(bkg_mean, bkg_median, bkg_rms))"") # Compute a minimum rms value based upon information directly from the data if self.keyword_dict["detector"].upper() != "SBC": minimum_rms = self.keyword_dict['atodgn'] * self.keyword_dict['readnse'] \ * self.keyword_dict['ndrizim'] / self.keyword_dict['texpo_time'] # Compare a minimum rms based upon input characteristics versus the one computed and use # the larger of the two values. if (bkg_rms < minimum_rms): bkg_rms = minimum_rms"Mimimum RMS of input based upon the readnoise, gain, number of exposures, and total exposure time: {}".format(minimum_rms))"Sigma-clipped RMS has been updated - Background mean: {} median: {} rms: {}".format(bkg_mean, bkg_median, bkg_rms))"") # Generate two-dimensional background and rms images with the attributes of # the input data, but the content based on the sigma-clipped statistics. # bkg_median ==> background and bkg_rms ==> background rms self.bkg_background_ra = np.full_like(imgdata, bkg_median) self.bkg_rms_ra = np.full_like(imgdata, bkg_rms) self.bkg_median = bkg_median self.bkg_rms_median = bkg_rms self.bkg_type = 'sigma_clipped_background' negative_threshold = negative_sigma * bkg_rms # BACKGROUND COMPUTATION 3 (Background2D) # The simple_bkg = True is the way to force the background to be computed with the # sigma-clipped algorithm, regardless of any other criterion. If simple_bkg == True, # the compute_background() is done, otherwise try to use Background2D to compute the background. if not simple_bkg and not is_zero_background_defined: # If the sigma-clipped background image skew is greater than the threshold, # compute a two-dimensional background fit. A larger skew implies # more sources in the field, which requires a more complex background. if bkg_skew > bkg_skew_threshold:"Computing the background using the Background2D algorithm.") exclude_percentiles = [10, 25, 50, 75] for percentile in exclude_percentiles:"Percentile in use: {}".format(percentile)) try: bkg = Background2D(imgdata, (box_size, box_size), filter_size=(win_size, win_size), bkg_estimator=bkg_estimator(), bkgrms_estimator=rms_estimator(), exclude_percentile=percentile, edge_method="pad", coverage_mask=self.inv_footprint_mask) except Exception: bkg = None continue if bkg is not None: bkg_background_ra = bkg.background bkg_rms_ra = bkg.background_rms bkg_rms_median = bkg.background_rms_median bkg_median = bkg.background_median negative_threshold = negative_sigma * bkg.background_rms_median break # If computation of a two-dimensional background image were successful, compute the # background-subtracted image and evaluate it for the number of negative values. # # If bkg is None, use the sigma-clipped statistics for the background. # If bkg is not None, but the background-subtracted image is too negative, use the # sigma-clipped computation for the background. if bkg is not None: imgdata_bkgsub = imgdata - bkg_background_ra # Determine how much of the illuminated portion of the background subtracted # image is negative num_negative = np.count_nonzero(imgdata_bkgsub[self.footprint_mask] < negative_threshold) negative_ratio = num_negative / num_of_illuminated_pixels del imgdata_bkgsub # Report this information so the relative percentage and the threshold are known"Percentage of negative values in the background subtracted image {0:.2f} vs low threshold of {1:.2f}.".format(100.0 * negative_ratio, negative_percent)) # If the background subtracted image has too many negative values which may be # indicative of large negative regions, the two-dimensional computed background # fit image should NOT be used. Use the sigma-clipped data instead. if negative_ratio * 100.0 > negative_percent:"Percentage of negative values {0:.2f} in the background subtracted image exceeds the threshold of {1:.2f}.".format(100.0 * negative_ratio, negative_percent))"")"*** Use the background image determined from the sigma_clip algorithm. ***") # Update the class variables with the background fit data else: self.bkg_background_ra = bkg_background_ra.copy() self.bkg_rms_ra = bkg_rms_ra.copy() self.bkg_rms_median = bkg_rms_median self.bkg_median = bkg_median self.bkg_type = 'twod_background'"")"*** Use the background image determined from the Background2D. ***") del bkg_background_ra, bkg_rms_ra # Skewness of sigma_clipped background exceeds threshold else:"*** Use the background image determined from the sigma_clip algorithm based upon skewness. ***") # User requested simple background == sigma_clip algorithm else:"*** User requested the sigma_clip algorithm to determine the background image. ***")"")"Computation of image background complete")"Found: ")" Median background: {}".format(self.bkg_median))" Median RMS background: {}".format(self.bkg_rms_median))"") del bkg, imgdata def _get_header_data(self): """Read FITS keywords from the primary or extension header and store the information in a dictionary Returns ------- keyword_dict : dictionary dictionary of keyword values """ keyword_dict = {} keyword_dict["proposal_id"] = self.imghdu[0].header["PROPOSID"] keyword_dict["image_file_name"] = self.imghdu[0].header['FILENAME'].upper() keyword_dict["target_name"] = self.imghdu[0].header["TARGNAME"].upper() keyword_dict["date_obs"] = self.imghdu[0].header["DATE-OBS"] keyword_dict["time_obs"] = self.imghdu[0].header["TIME-OBS"] keyword_dict["instrument"] = self.imghdu[0].header["INSTRUME"].upper() keyword_dict["detector"] = self.imghdu[0].header["DETECTOR"].upper() keyword_dict["target_ra"] = self.imghdu[0].header["RA_TARG"] keyword_dict["target_dec"] = self.imghdu[0].header["DEC_TARG"] keyword_dict["expo_start"] = self.imghdu[0].header["EXPSTART"] keyword_dict["texpo_time"] = self.imghdu[0].header["TEXPTIME"] keyword_dict["exptime"] = self.imghdu[0].header["EXPTIME"] keyword_dict["ndrizim"] = self.imghdu[0].header["NDRIZIM"] if keyword_dict["detector"].upper() != "SBC": if keyword_dict["instrument"].upper() == 'WFPC2': atodgn = self._get_max_key_value(self.imghdu[0].header, 'ATODGAIN') keyword_dict["ccd_gain"] = atodgn keyword_dict["atodgn"] = atodgn keyword_dict["readnse"] = 5.0 keyword_dict["gain_keys"] = [self.imghdu[0].header[k[:8]] for k in self.imghdu[0].header["ATODGAI*"]] else: keyword_dict["ccd_gain"] = self.imghdu[0].header["CCDGAIN"] keyword_dict["readnse"] = self._get_max_key_value(self.imghdu[0].header, 'READNSE') keyword_dict["atodgn"] = self._get_max_key_value(self.imghdu[0].header, 'ATODGN') keyword_dict["gain_keys"] = [self.imghdu[0].header[k[:8]] for k in self.imghdu[0].header["ATODGN*"]] keyword_dict["aperture_pa"] = self.imghdu[0].header["PA_V3"] # The total detection product has the FILTER keyword in # the primary header - read it for any instrument. # # For the filter detection product: # WFC3 only has FILTER, but ACS has FILTER1 and FILTER2 # in the primary header. if self.ghd_product.lower() == "tdp": keyword_dict["filter1"] = self.imghdu[0].header["FILTER"] # The filter detection product... else: if keyword_dict["instrument"] == "ACS": keyword_dict["filter1"] = self.imghdu[0].header["FILTER1"] keyword_dict["filter2"] = self.imghdu[0].header["FILTER2"] elif keyword_dict["instrument"] == "WFPC2": keyword_dict["filter1"] = self.imghdu[0].header["FILTNAM1"] keyword_dict["filter2"] = self.imghdu[0].header["FILTNAM2"] else: keyword_dict["filter1"] = self.imghdu[0].header["FILTER"] keyword_dict["filter2"] = "" if keyword_dict["instrument"] == "ACS": keyword_dict["aperture_ra"] = self.imghdu[1].header["RA_APER"] keyword_dict["aperture_dec"] = self.imghdu[1].header["DEC_APER"] elif keyword_dict["instrument"] == "WFPC2": keyword_dict["aperture_ra"] = self.imghdu[0].header["RA_TARG"] keyword_dict["aperture_dec"] = self.imghdu[0].header["DEC_TARG"] else: keyword_dict["aperture_ra"] = self.imghdu[1].header["RA_APER"] keyword_dict["aperture_dec"] = self.imghdu[1].header["DEC_APER"] # Get the HSTWCS object from the first extension keyword_dict["wcs_name"] = self.imghdu[1].header["WCSNAME"] keyword_dict["wcs_type"] = self.imghdu[1].header["WCSTYPE"] keyword_dict["orientation"] = self.imghdu[1].header["ORIENTAT"] keyword_dict["photflam"] = proc_utils.find_flt_keyword(self.imghdu, "PHOTFLAM") keyword_dict["photplam"] = proc_utils.find_flt_keyword(self.imghdu, "PHOTPLAM") # Include WCS keywords as well for use in updating the output catalog metadata drzwcs = HSTWCS(self.imghdu, ext=1) wcshdr = drzwcs.wcs2header() # create FITS keywords with CD matrix # add them to the keyword_dict preserving keyword_dict['wcs'] = {} keyword_dict['wcs'].update(wcshdr) return keyword_dict def _get_max_key_value(self, header, root_of_keyword): """Read FITS keywords with the same prefix from primary header and return the maximum value Parameters ---------- header : hdu The header of a FITS hdu root_of_keyword : str The common root portion of a FITS keyword (e.g., READNSE for READNSE[A-D]) Returns ------- max_value : float The maximum value or 1.0 of the keywords examined """ max_value = max(header[root_of_keyword + "*"].values(), default=1.0) return max_value
[docs] class HAPCatalogs: """Generate photometric sourcelist for specified TOTAL or FILTER product image. """ crfactor = {'aperture': 300, 'segment': 150} # CRs / hr / 4kx4k pixels def __init__(self, fitsfile, param_dict, param_dict_qc, num_images_mask, log_level, diagnostic_mode=False, types=None, tp_sources=None): # set logging level to user-specified level log.setLevel(log_level) self.label = "HAPCatalogs" self.description = "A class used to generate photometric sourcelists using aperture photometry" self.imgname = fitsfile self.param_dict = param_dict self.param_dict_qc = param_dict_qc self.diagnostic_mode = diagnostic_mode self.tp_sources = tp_sources # <---total product catalogs.catalogs[*].sources # Determine what types of catalogs have been requested if not isinstance(types, list) and types in [None, 'both']: types = CATALOG_TYPES elif types == 'aperture' or types == 'segment': types = [types] else: if any([t not in CATALOG_TYPES for t in types]): log.error("Catalog types {} not supported. Only {} are valid.".format(types, CATALOG_TYPES)) raise ValueError self.types = types # Get various configuration variables needed for the background computation # Compute the background for this image self.image = CatalogImage(fitsfile, num_images_mask, log_level) self.image.compute_background(self.param_dict['bkg_box_size'], self.param_dict['bkg_filter_size'], simple_bkg=self.param_dict['simple_bkg'], bkg_skew_threshold=self.param_dict['bkg_skew_threshold'], zero_percent=self.param_dict['zero_percent'], negative_percent=self.param_dict['negative_percent'], nsigma_clip=self.param_dict['nsigma_clip'], maxiters=self.param_dict['maxiters']) self.image.build_kernel(self.param_dict['bkg_box_size'], self.param_dict['bkg_filter_size'], self.param_dict['dao']['TWEAK_FWHMPSF'], self.param_dict['simple_bkg'], self.param_dict['bkg_skew_threshold'], self.param_dict['zero_percent'], self.param_dict['negative_percent'], self.param_dict['nsigma_clip'], self.param_dict['maxiters'], self.param_dict['good_fwhm']) # Initialize all catalog types here... # This does NOT identify or measure sources to create the catalogs at this point... # The syntax here is EXTREMELY cludgy, but until a more compact way to do this is found, # it will have to do... self.reject_cats = {} self.catalogs = {} if 'segment' in self.types: self.catalogs['segment'] = HAPSegmentCatalog(self.image, self.param_dict, self.param_dict_qc, self.diagnostic_mode, tp_sources=tp_sources) self.reject_cats['segment'] = False if 'aperture' in self.types: self.catalogs['aperture'] = HAPPointCatalog(self.image, self.param_dict, self.param_dict_qc, self.diagnostic_mode, tp_sources=tp_sources) self.reject_cats['aperture'] = False self.filters = {} def identify(self, **pars): """Build catalogs for this image. Parameters ---------- types : list List of catalog types to be generated. If None, build all available catalogs. Supported types of catalogs include: 'aperture', 'segment'. """ # Support user-input value of 'None' which will trigger generation of all catalog types for catalog in self.catalogs:"")"Identifying {} sources".format(catalog)) self.catalogs[catalog].identify_sources(**pars) def verify_crthresh(self, n1_exposure_time): """Verify whether catalogs meet cosmic-ray threshold limits. ... note : This algorithm has been modified from the original implementation where if either catalog failed the cosmic ray criterion test, then both catalogs would be rejected. Instead... an empty catalog (n_sources = 0) should not get rejected by the CR contamination test (since it is empty, it clearly is not contaminated by cosmic rays!) Also, if a catalog is empty because it is rejected for some other reason, it should never trigger the rejection of the other type of catalog. thresh = crfactor * n1_exposure_time**2 / texptime Since catalog output (*.ecsv) files are always written, rejection means that all of the rows of measurements are deleted from the output ECSV file. """ for cat_type in self.catalogs: crthresh_mask = None source_cat = self.catalogs[cat_type].sources if cat_type == 'aperture' else self.catalogs[cat_type].source_cat flag_cols = [colname for colname in source_cat.colnames if colname.startswith('Flag')] for colname in flag_cols: catalog_crmask = source_cat[colname] < 2 if crthresh_mask is None: crthresh_mask = catalog_crmask else: # Combine masks for all filters for this catalog type crthresh_mask = np.bitwise_or(crthresh_mask, catalog_crmask) source_cat.sources_num_good = len(np.where(crthresh_mask)[0])"Determining whether point and/or segment catalogs meet cosmic-ray threshold")" based on EXPTIME = {}sec for the n=1 filters".format(n1_exposure_time)) for cat_type in self.catalogs: source_cat = self.catalogs[cat_type] if source_cat.sources: thresh = self.crfactor[cat_type] * n1_exposure_time**2 / self.image.keyword_dict['texpo_time'] source_cat = source_cat.sources if cat_type == 'aperture' else source_cat.source_cat n_sources = source_cat.sources_num_good # len(source_cat) all_sources = len(source_cat)"{} catalog with {} good sources out of {} total sources : CR threshold = {}".format(cat_type, n_sources, all_sources, thresh)) if n_sources < thresh and 0 < n_sources: self.reject_cats[cat_type] = True"{} catalog FAILED CR threshold.".format(cat_type)) return self.reject_cats def measure(self, filter_name, **pars): """Perform photometry and other measurements on sources for this image. Parameters ---------- types : list List of catalog types to be generated. If None, build all available catalogs. Supported types of catalogs include: 'aperture', 'segment'. """ # Make sure we at least have a default 2D background computed for catalog in self.catalogs.values(): if catalog.sources is None: catalog.identify_sources(**pars) for catalog in self.catalogs.values(): catalog.measure_sources(filter_name, **pars) for catalog in self.catalogs.values(): catalog.image.close() def write(self, reject_catalogs, **pars): """Write catalogs for this image to output files. Parameters ---------- reject_catalogs : dictionary Dictionary where the keys are the types of catalogs, and the values are bools indicating whether or not the catalogs (*.ecsv) should be written with their full contents or as empty catalogs. types : list List of catalog types to be generated. If None, build all available catalogs. Supported types of catalogs include: 'aperture', 'segment'. """ # Make sure we at least have a default 2D background computed for catalog in self.catalogs.values(): if catalog.source_cat is None: catalog.source_cat = catalog.sources catalog.write_catalog(reject_catalogs) def combine(self, subset_dict): """Combine subset columns from the filter catalog with the total detection catalog. Parameters ---------- subset_dict : dictionary Dictionary where the keys are the types of catalogs, and the values are the catalog objects. """ for k, v in self.catalogs.items(): v.combine_tables(subset_dict[k]['subset'])
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[docs] class HAPCatalogBase: """Virtual class used to define API for all catalogs""" catalog_suffix = ".ecsv" catalog_region_suffix = ".reg" catalog_format = "ascii.ecsv" catalog_type = None def __init__(self, image, param_dict, param_dict_qc, diagnostic_mode, tp_sources): self.image = image self.imgname = image.imgname self.param_dict = param_dict self.param_dict_qc = param_dict_qc self.diagnostic_mode = diagnostic_mode self.sourcelist_filename = self.imgname.replace(self.imgname[-9:], self.catalog_suffix) # Set the gain for ACS/SBC and WFC3/IR to 1.0 if self.image.keyword_dict["detector"].upper() in ["IR", "SBC"]: self.gain = 1.0 gain_values = 1.0 else: # Compute average gain - there will always be at least one gain value in the primary header gain_keys = self.image.keyword_dict['gain_keys'] gain_values = [g for g in gain_keys if g > 0.0] self.gain = self.image.keyword_dict['exptime'] * np.mean(gain_values) # Convert photometric aperture radii from arcsec to pixels self.aper_radius_arcsec = [self.param_dict['aperture_1'], self.param_dict['aperture_2']] self.aper_radius_list_pixels = [] for aper_radius in self.aper_radius_arcsec: self.aper_radius_list_pixels.append(aper_radius / self.image.imgwcs.pscale) # Photometric information if not tp_sources:"Average gain of {} for input image {}".format(np.mean(gain_values), self.imgname))"{}".format("=" * 80))"")"")"SUMMARY OF INPUT PARAMETERS FOR PHOTOMETRY")"image name: {}".format(self.imgname))"platescale: {}".format(self.image.imgwcs.pscale))"radii (pixels): {}".format(self.aper_radius_list_pixels))"radii (arcsec): {}".format(self.aper_radius_arcsec))"annulus: {}".format(self.param_dict['skyannulus_arcsec']))"dSkyAnnulus: {}".format(self.param_dict['dskyannulus_arcsec']))"salgorithm: {}".format(self.param_dict['salgorithm']))"gain: {}".format(self.gain)) #"ab_zeropoint: {}".format(self.ab_zeropoint))" ")"{}".format("=" * 80))"") # Initialize attributes which are computed by class methods later self.sources = None # list of identified source positions self.source_cat = None # catalog of sources and their properties self.tp_sources = tp_sources # Determine what regions we have for source identification # Regions are defined as sections of the image which has the same # max WHT within a factor of 2.0 (or so). # make_wht_masks(whtarr, maskarr, scale=1.5, sensitivity=0.95, kernel=(11,11)) self_scale = (self.image.keyword_dict['ndrizim'] - 1) / 2 scale = max(self.param_dict['scale'], self_scale) self.tp_masks = None if not self.image.blank: self.tp_masks = make_wht_masks( self.image.wht_image, self.image.inv_footprint_mask, scale=scale, sensitivity=self.param_dict['sensitivity'], kernel=(self.param_dict['region_size'], self.param_dict['region_size']) ) def identify_sources(self, **pars): pass def measure_sources(self, filter_name, **pars): pass def write_catalog(self, reject_catalogs, **pars): pass def combine_tables(self, subset_dict): pass def annotate_table(self, data_table, param_dict_qc, proc_type="aperture", product="tdp"): """Add state metadata to the top of the output source catalog. Parameters ---------- data_table : QTable Table of source properties param_dict_qc : dictionary Configuration values for quality control step based upon input JSON files (used to build catalog header) proc_type : str, optional Identification of catalog type: aperture (aka point) or segment product : str, optional Identification string for the catalog product being written. This controls the data being put into the catalog product Returns ------- data_table : QTable Table of source properties updatd to contain state metadata """ data_table.meta["h00"] = [" #=================================================================================================="] data_table.meta["h01"] = [" # All refereed publications based on data obtained from the HAP must carry the following footnote: "] data_table.meta["h02"] = [" # "] data_table.meta["h03"] = [" # Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope "] data_table.meta["h04"] = [" # and obtained from the Hubble Advanced Products collection generated "] data_table.meta["h05"] = [" # by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI/NASA). "] data_table.meta["h06"] = [" # "] data_table.meta["h07"] = [" # One copy of each paper resulting from data obtained from the HAP should be sent to the STScI. "] data_table.meta["h08"] = [" #=================================================================================================="] data_table.meta["WCSNAME"] = self.image.keyword_dict["wcs_name"] data_table.meta["WCSTYPE"] = self.image.keyword_dict["wcs_type"] data_table.meta["Proposal ID"] = self.image.keyword_dict["proposal_id"] data_table.meta["Image File Name"] = self.image.keyword_dict['image_file_name'] data_table.meta["Target Name"] = self.image.keyword_dict["target_name"] data_table.meta["Date Observed"] = self.image.keyword_dict["date_obs"] data_table.meta["Time Observed"] = self.image.keyword_dict["time_obs"] data_table.meta["Instrument"] = self.image.keyword_dict["instrument"] data_table.meta["Detector"] = self.image.keyword_dict["detector"] data_table.meta["Target RA"] = self.image.keyword_dict["target_ra"] data_table.meta["Target DEC"] = self.image.keyword_dict["target_dec"] data_table.meta["Orientation"] = self.image.keyword_dict["orientation"] data_table.meta["Aperture RA"] = self.image.keyword_dict["aperture_ra"] data_table.meta["Aperture DEC"] = self.image.keyword_dict["aperture_dec"] data_table.meta["Aperture PA"] = self.image.keyword_dict["aperture_pa"] data_table.meta["Aper1 (arcsec)"] = self.aper_radius_arcsec[0] data_table.meta["Aper2 (arcsec)"] = self.aper_radius_arcsec[1] if proc_type == "segment": data_table.meta["Threshold (sigma)"] = self._nsigma else: data_table.meta["Theshold (sigma)"] = self.param_dict['nsigma'] data_table.meta["Exposure Start"] = self.image.keyword_dict["expo_start"] data_table.meta["Total Exposure Time"] = self.image.keyword_dict["texpo_time"] if self.image.keyword_dict["detector"].upper() != "SBC": data_table.meta["CCD Gain"] = self.image.keyword_dict["ccd_gain"] if product.lower() == "tdp" or self.image.keyword_dict["instrument"].upper() == "WFC3": data_table.meta["Filter 1"] = self.image.keyword_dict["filter1"] data_table.meta["Filter 2"] = "" else: data_table.meta["Filter 1"] = self.image.keyword_dict["filter1"] data_table.meta["Filter 2"] = self.image.keyword_dict["filter2"] # Insert WCS keywords into metadata # This relies on the fact that the dicts are always ordered. data_table.meta.update(self.image.keyword_dict['wcs']) num_sources = len(data_table) data_table.meta["Number of sources"] = num_sources proc_type = proc_type.lower() ci_lower = float(param_dict_qc['ci filter'][proc_type]['ci_lower_limit']) ci_upper = float(param_dict_qc['ci filter'][proc_type]['ci_upper_limit']) data_table.meta["h09"] = ["#================================================================================================="] data_table.meta["h10"] = ["IMPORTANT NOTES"] data_table.meta["h10.1"] = ["These catalogs provide aperture photometry in the ABMAG system and are calibrated with"] data_table.meta["h10.2"] = ["photometric zeropoints corresponding to an infinite aperture. To convert to total"] data_table.meta["h10.3"] = ["magnitudes, aperture corrections must be applied to account for flux falling outside of"] data_table.meta["h10.4"] = ["the selected aperture. For details, see Whitmore et al., 2016 AJ, 151, 134W."] data_table.meta["h10.5"] = [" "] data_table.meta["h11"] = ["The X and Y coordinates in this table are 0-indexed (i.e. the origin is (0,0))."] data_table.meta["h12"] = ["RA and Dec values in this table are in sky coordinates (i.e. coordinates at the epoch of observation"] data_table.meta["h12.1"] = ["and an {}).".format(self.image.keyword_dict["wcs_type"])] data_table.meta["h13"] = ["Magnitude values in this table are in the ABMAG system."] data_table.meta["h14"] = ["Column titles in this table ending with Ap1 refer to the inner photometric aperture "] data_table.meta["h14.1"] = ["(radius = {} pixels, {} arcsec.".format(self.aper_radius_list_pixels[0], self.aper_radius_arcsec[0])] data_table.meta["h15"] = ["Column titles in this table ending with Ap2 refer to the outer photometric aperture "] data_table.meta["h15.1"] = ["(radius = {} pixels, {} arcsec.".format(self.aper_radius_list_pixels[1], self.aper_radius_arcsec[1])] data_table.meta["h16"] = ["CI = Concentration Index (CI) = MagAp1 - MagAp2."] data_table.meta["h17"] = ["Flag Value Identification:"] data_table.meta["h17.1"] = [" 0 - Stellar Source ({} < CI < {})".format(ci_lower, ci_upper)] data_table.meta["h17.2"] = [" 1 - Extended Source (CI > {})".format(ci_upper)] data_table.meta["h17.3"] = [" 2 - Questionable Photometry (Single-Pixel Saturation)"] data_table.meta["h17.4"] = [" 4 - Questionable Photometry (Multi-Pixel Saturation)"] data_table.meta["h17.5"] = [" 8 - Faint Detection Limit"] data_table.meta["h17.6"] = [" 16 - Hot pixels (CI < {})".format(ci_lower)] data_table.meta["h17.7"] = [" 32 - False Detection Swarm Around Saturated Source"] data_table.meta["h17.8"] = [" 64 - False Detections Near Image Edge"] data_table.meta["h17.9"] = [" 128 - Bleeding and Cosmic Rays"] data_table.meta["h18"] = ["#================================================================================================="] if proc_type == "segment": if self.is_big_island: data_table.meta["h19"] = ["WARNING: Segmentation catalog is considered to be of poor quality due to a crowded field or large segments."] if type(data_table.meta) != OrderedDict: data_table.meta = OrderedDict(data_table.meta) return (data_table)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class HAPPointCatalog(HAPCatalogBase): """Generate photometric sourcelist(s) for specified image(s) using aperture photometry of point sources. """ catalog_suffix = "_point-cat.ecsv" catalog_type = 'aperture' def __init__(self, image, param_dict, param_dict_qc, diagnostic_mode, tp_sources): super().__init__(image, param_dict, param_dict_qc, diagnostic_mode, tp_sources) # Defined in measure_sources self.subset_filter_source_cat = None def identify_sources(self, **pars): """Create a master coordinate list of sources identified in the specified total detection product image """ # Recognize empty/blank images and treat gracefully if self.image.blank: self._define_empty_table()'Total Detection Product - Point-source catalog is EMPTY') return source_fwhm = self.image.kernel_fwhm # read in sci, wht extensions of drizzled product image = np.nan_to_num(, copy=True, nan=0.0) # Create the background-subtracted image image -= self.image.bkg_background_ra image = np.clip(image, 0, image.max()) # Insure there are no neg pixels to trip up StarFinder if 'drz.fits' in self.image.imgname: reg_suffix = 'drz.fits' else: reg_suffix = 'drc.fits' if not self.tp_sources: # Report configuration values to log"{}".format("=" * 80))"")"Point-source finding settings")"Total Detection Product - Input Parameters")"INPUT PARAMETERS")"image name: {}".format(self.imgname))"{}: {}".format("self.param_dict['dao']['bkgsig_sf']", self.param_dict["dao"]["bkgsig_sf"]))"{}: {}".format("self.param_dict['dao']['kernel_sd_aspect_ratio']", self.param_dict['dao']['kernel_sd_aspect_ratio']))"{}: {}".format("self.param_dict['simple_bkg']", self.param_dict['simple_bkg']))"{}: {}".format("self.param_dict['nsigma']", self.param_dict['nsigma']))"{}: {}".format("self.image.bkg_rms_median", self.image.bkg_rms_median))"DERIVED PARAMETERS")"{}: {}".format("source_fwhm", source_fwhm))"{}: {}".format("threshold", self.param_dict['nsigma'] * self.image.bkg_rms_median))"")"{}".format("=" * 80)) sources = None for masknum, mask in enumerate(self.tp_masks): # apply mask for each separate range of WHT values region = image * mask['mask'] # Compute separate threshold for each 'region' reg_rms = self.image.bkg_rms_ra * np.sqrt(mask['mask'] / mask['rel_weight'].max()) reg_rms_median = np.nanmedian(reg_rms[reg_rms > 0])"Mask {}: rel = {}".format(mask['wht_limit'], mask['rel_weight'].max())) # find ALL the sources!!! if self.param_dict["starfinder_algorithm"] == "dao":"DAOStarFinder(fwhm={}, threshold={}*{})".format(source_fwhm, self.param_dict['nsigma'], reg_rms_median)) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=source_fwhm, threshold=self.param_dict['nsigma'] * reg_rms_median) reg_sources = daofind(region, mask=self.image.inv_footprint_mask) elif self.param_dict["starfinder_algorithm"] == "iraf":"IRAFStarFinder(fwhm={}, threshold={}*{})".format(source_fwhm, self.param_dict['nsigma'], reg_rms_median)) isf = IRAFStarFinder(fwhm=source_fwhm, threshold=self.param_dict['nsigma'] * reg_rms_median) reg_sources = isf(region, mask=self.image.inv_footprint_mask) elif self.param_dict["starfinder_algorithm"] == "psf":"UserStarFinder(fwhm={}, threshold={}*{})".format(source_fwhm, self.param_dict['nsigma'], reg_rms_median)) # Perform manual detection of sources using theoretical PSFs # Initial test data: ictj65 try: # Subtract the detection threshold image so that detection is anything > 0 region -= (reg_rms * self.param_dict['nsigma']) # insure no negative values for deconvolution region = np.clip(region, 0., region.max()) user_peaks, source_fwhm = decutils.find_point_sources(self.image.imgname, data=region, def_fwhm=source_fwhm, box_size=self.param_dict['region_size'], mask=self.image.footprint_mask, block_size=self.param_dict['block_size'], diagnostic_mode=self.diagnostic_mode) except Exception: # In case we run into out-of-memory error, or any other exception with # PSF use (like CTE or horribly mismatched PSFs), fail-over to using # DAOFind mode instead log.warning("Exception thrown when trying to use PSFs to find sources with UserStarFinder.") user_peaks = None if user_peaks is not None and len(user_peaks) > 0:"UserStarFinder identified {} sources".format(len(user_peaks))) if self.diagnostic_mode: peak_name = "{}_peaks{}.reg".format(self.image.imgname.split('.')[0], masknum) peak_reg = user_peaks['x_peak', 'y_peak'] peak_reg['x_peak'] += 1 peak_reg['y_peak'] += 1 peak_reg.write(peak_name, format='ascii.fast_no_header', overwrite=True) daofind = decutils.UserStarFinder(fwhm=source_fwhm, coords=user_peaks, threshold=0.0, sharphi=0.9, sharplo=0.4) _region_name = self.image.imgname.replace(reg_suffix, 'region{}.fits'.format(masknum)) if self.diagnostic_mode: fits.PrimaryHDU(data=region).writeto(_region_name, overwrite=True) reg_sources = daofind(region, mask=self.image.inv_footprint_mask) _region_name = self.image.imgname.replace(reg_suffix, 'starfind_sources{}.ecsv'.format(masknum)) if self.diagnostic_mode: reg_sources.write(_region_name, format='ascii.ecsv', overwrite=True) else: # No sources found to match the PSF model, perhaps due to CTE. # Try standard daofind instead"Reverting to DAOStarFinder(fwhm={}, threshold={}*{})".format(source_fwhm, self.param_dict['nsigma'], reg_rms_median)) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=source_fwhm, threshold=self.param_dict['nsigma'] * reg_rms_median) reg_sources = daofind(region, mask=self.image.inv_footprint_mask) reg_sources = Table(reg_sources) # Insure 'reg_sources' is NOT a QTable else: err_msg = "'{}' is not a valid 'starfinder_algorithm' parameter input in the catalog_generation parameters json file. Valid options are 'dao' for photutils.detection.DAOStarFinder() or 'iraf' for photutils.detection.IRAFStarFinder().".format(self.param_dict["starfinder_algorithm"]) log.error(err_msg) raise ValueError(err_msg)"{}".format("=" * 80)) # Concatenate sources found in each region. if reg_sources is not None: if sources is None: sources = reg_sources else: sources = vstack([sources, reg_sources]) # If there are no detectable sources in the total detection image, return as there is nothing more to do. if not sources: log.warning("No point sources were found in Total Detection Product, {}.".format(self.imgname)) log.warning("Processing for point source catalogs for this product is ending.") self._define_empty_table() return"Measured {} sources in {}".format(len(sources), self.image.imgname))" colnames: {}".format(sources.colnames)) # insure centroid columns are not masked sources['xcentroid'] = Column(sources['xcentroid']) sources['ycentroid'] = Column(sources['ycentroid']) # calculate and add RA and DEC columns to table ra, dec = self.transform_list_xy_to_ra_dec(sources["xcentroid"], sources["ycentroid"], self.imgname) ra_col = Column(name="RA", data=ra, dtype=np.float64) dec_col = Column(name="DEC", data=dec, dtype=np.float64) sources.add_column(ra_col, index=3) sources.add_column(dec_col, index=4) for col in sources.colnames: if col != 'id': sources[col].info.format = '.8g' # for consistent table output # format output table columns final_col_format = {"xcentroid": "10.3f", "ycentroid": "10.3f", "RA": "13.7f", "DEC": "13.7f", "id": "7d"} for fcf_key in final_col_format.keys(): sources[fcf_key].format = final_col_format[fcf_key] # descriptions final_col_descrip = {"xcentroid": "Pixel Coordinate", "ycentroid": "Pixel Coordinate", "RA": "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation", "DEC": "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation", "id": "Catalog Object Identification Number"} for fcd_key in final_col_descrip.keys(): sources[fcd_key].description = final_col_descrip[fcd_key] # add units to columns final_col_units = {"xcentroid": "pixel", "ycentroid": "pixel", "RA": "degree", "DEC": "degree", "id": ""} for col_title in final_col_units: sources[col_title].unit = final_col_units[col_title] if self.diagnostic_mode: sources.write(self.image.imgname.replace(reg_suffix,'raw-point-cat.ecsv'), format='ascii.ecsv', overwrite=True) self.sources = sources # if processing filter product, use sources identified by parent total drizzle product identify_sources() run if self.tp_sources: self.sources = self.tp_sources['aperture']['sources'] # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def _define_empty_table(self): """Create basic empty table based on total product table to signify no valid source were detected""" final_col_format = {"xcentroid": "10.3f", "ycentroid": "10.3f", "RA": "13.7f", "DEC": "13.7f", "id": "7d", "Flags": "5d"} final_col_descrip = {"xcentroid": "Pixel Coordinate", "ycentroid": "Pixel Coordinate", "RA": "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation", "DEC": "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation", "id": "Catalog Object Identification Number", "Flags": "Numeric encoding for conditions on detected sources"} final_col_units = {"xcentroid": "pixel", "ycentroid": "pixel", "RA": "degree", "DEC": "degree", "id": "", "Flags": ""} final_colnames = [k for k in final_col_format.keys()] # Initialize empty table with desired column names, descriptions and units empty_table = Table(names=final_colnames, descriptions=final_col_descrip, units=final_col_units) # Add formatting for each column for fcf_key in final_col_format.keys(): empty_table[fcf_key].format = final_col_format[fcf_key] self.sources = empty_table def measure_sources(self, filter_name): """Perform aperture photometry on identified sources """ if len(self.sources) == 0: # Report configuration values to log"{}".format("=" * 80))"")"No point sources identified for photometry for")"image name: {}".format(self.imgname))"Generating empty point-source catalog.")"") # define this attribute for use by the .write method self.source_cat = self.sources self.subset_filter_source_cat = Table(names=["ID", "MagAp2", "CI", "Flags"]) self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("MagAp2", "MagAP2_" + filter_name) self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("CI", "CI_" + filter_name) self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("Flags", "Flags_" + filter_name) return"Performing aperture photometry on identified point-sources") # Open and background subtract image image = # load in coords of sources identified in total product _cnames = ['X-Center', 'Y-Center'] if 'X-Center' in self.sources.colnames else ['xcentroid', 'ycentroid'] if len(self.sources) > 1: positions = (self.sources[_cnames[0]], self.sources[_cnames[1]]) else: positions = (Column(self.sources[_cnames[0]]), Column(self.sources[_cnames[1]])) pos_xy = np.vstack(positions).T # define list of background annulii bg_apers = CircularAnnulus(pos_xy, r_in=self.param_dict['skyannulus_arcsec']/self.image.imgwcs.pscale, r_out=(self.param_dict['skyannulus_arcsec'] + self.param_dict['dskyannulus_arcsec'])/self.image.imgwcs.pscale) # Create the list of photometric apertures to measure phot_apers = [CircularAperture(pos_xy, r=r) for r in self.aper_radius_list_pixels] # Perform aperture photometry - the input data should NOT be background subtracted photometry_tbl = photometry_tools.iraf_style_photometry(phot_apers, bg_apers, data=image, photflam=self.image.keyword_dict['photflam'], photplam=self.image.keyword_dict['photplam'], error_array=self.image.bkg_rms_ra, bg_method=self.param_dict['salgorithm'], epadu=self.gain) # calculate and add RA and DEC columns to table ra, dec = self.transform_list_xy_to_ra_dec(photometry_tbl["X-Center"], photometry_tbl["Y-Center"], self.imgname) # TODO: replace with all_pix2sky or somthing at a later date ra_col = Column(name="RA", data=ra, dtype=np.float64) dec_col = Column(name="DEC", data=dec, dtype=np.float64) photometry_tbl.add_column(ra_col, index=2) photometry_tbl.add_column(dec_col, index=3)'Obtained photometry measurements for {} sources'.format(len(photometry_tbl))) try: # Calculate and add concentration index (CI) column to table if math.isclose(self.image.keyword_dict['photflam'], 0.0, abs_tol=constants.TOLERANCE): # Fill the ci_data column with the "bad data indicator" of -9999.0 # where photometry_tbl["MagAp1"] was populated with -9999.0 in iraf_style_photometry ci_data = photometry_tbl["MagAp1"].data ci_mask = np.logical_not(ci_data > constants.FLAG + 1.0) else: ci_data = photometry_tbl["MagAp1"].data - photometry_tbl["MagAp2"].data ci_mask = np.logical_and(np.abs(ci_data) > 0.0, np.abs(ci_data) < 1.0e-30) big_bad_index = np.where(abs(ci_data) > 1.0e20) ci_mask[big_bad_index] = True except Exception as x_cept: log.warning("Computation of concentration index (CI) was not successful: {} - {}.".format(self.imgname, x_cept)) log.warning("CI measurements may be missing from the output filter catalog.\n") # Create a column of data from an existing column of data # and set each value = -9999.0 ci_data = constants.FLAG + photometry_tbl["MagAp1"] * 0.0 ci_mask = np.logical_not(ci_data > constants.FLAG + 1.0) ci_col = MaskedColumn(name='CI', data=ci_data, dtype=np.float64, mask=ci_mask) photometry_tbl.add_column(ci_col) # Add zero-value "Flags" column in preparation for source flagging flag_col = Column(name="Flags", data=np.zeros_like(photometry_tbl['ID']), dtype=np.int64) photometry_tbl.add_column(flag_col) # build final output table final_col_order = ["X-Center", "Y-Center", "RA", "DEC", "ID", "MagAp1", "MagErrAp1", "FluxAp1", "FluxErrAp1", "MagAp2", "MagErrAp2", "MSkyAp2", "StdevAp2", "FluxAp2", "FluxErrAp2", "CI", "Flags"] output_photometry_table = photometry_tbl[final_col_order] # format output table columns final_col_format = {"X-Center": "10.3f", "Y-Center": "10.3f", "RA": "13.7f", "DEC": "13.7f", "ID": "7d", "MagAp1": '7.3f', "MagErrAp1": '7.3f', "FluxAp1": '10.4f', "FluxErrAp1": '10.4f', "MagAp2": '7.3f', "MagErrAp2": '7.3f', "MSkyAp2": '7.3f', "StdevAp2": '7.3f', "FluxAp2": '10.4f', "FluxErrAp2": '10.4f', "CI": "7.3f", "Flags": "5d"} for fcf_key in final_col_format.keys(): output_photometry_table[fcf_key].format = final_col_format[fcf_key] # column descriptions final_col_descrip = {"ID": "Catalog Object Identification Number", "X-Center": "Pixel Coordinate", "Y-Center": "Pixel Coordinate", "RA": "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation", "DEC": "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation", "MagAp1": "ABMAG of source based on the inner (smaller) aperture", "MagErrAp1": "Error of MagAp1", "FluxAp1": "Flux of source based on the outer (smaller) aperture", "FluxErrAp1": "Flux of source based on the outer (smaller) aperture", "MagAp2": "ABMAG of source based on the outer (larger) aperture", "MagErrAp2": "Error of MagAp2", "MSkyAp2": "Sky estimate from an annulus outside Aperture 2", "StdevAp2": "Standard deviation of sky estimate from annulus outside Aperture 2", "FluxAp2": "Flux of source based on the outer (larger) aperture", "FluxErrAp2": "Flux of source based on the outer (larger) aperture", "CI": "Concentration Index", "Flags": "Numeric encoding for conditions on detected sources"} for fcd_key in final_col_descrip.keys(): output_photometry_table[fcd_key].description = final_col_descrip[fcd_key] # add units to columns final_col_units = {"X-Center": "pixel", "Y-Center": "pixel", "RA": "degree", "DEC": "degree", "ID": "", "MagAp1": "mag(AB)", "MagErrAp1": "mag(AB)", "MagAp2": "mag(AB)", "MagErrAp2": "mag(AB)", "MSkyAp2": "electron/(s pixel)", "StdevAp2": "electron/(s pixel)", "FluxAp1": "electron/s", "FluxErrAp1": "electron/s","FluxAp2": "electron/s", "FluxErrAp2": "electron/s", "CI": "mag(AB)", "Flags": ""} for col_title in final_col_units: output_photometry_table[col_title].unit = final_col_units[col_title] # Capture specified columns in order to append to the total detection table self.subset_filter_source_cat = output_photometry_table["ID", "MagAp2", "CI", "Flags"] self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("MagAp2", "MagAP2_" + filter_name) self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("CI", "CI_" + filter_name) self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("Flags", "Flags_" + filter_name) # Add the header information to the table self.source_cat = self.annotate_table(output_photometry_table, self.param_dict_qc, proc_type = "aperture", product=self.image.ghd_product)"Saved photometry table with {} sources".format(len(self.source_cat))) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def write_catalog(self, reject_catalogs): """Write specified catalog to file on disk Regardless of the setting for reject_catalogs, the regions file will be written solely based upon the setting of diagnostic_mode. Parameters ---------- reject_catalogs : dictionary Dictionary where the keys are the types of catalogs, and the values are bools indicating whether or not the catalogs (*.ecsv) should be written with their full contents or as empty catalogs. Returns ------- Nothing! The total product catalog contains several columns contributed from each filter catalog. However, there is no guarantee that every filter catalog contains measurements for each source in the total product catalog which is to say the row is actually missing from the filter product catalog. When the catalog tables are combined in the combined_tables method, the missing entries will contain masked values represented by dashes. When these values are written to output ECSV files, they are written as empty ("") strings. In order for the catalogs to be ingested into a database by possible downstream processing, the masked values will be replaced by a numeric indicator. ... note : A catalog can have no rows of measurements because no sources were found OR because the catalog was "rejected" according to the cosmic ray rejection criterion. """ # Insure catalog has all necessary metadata self.source_cat = self.annotate_table(self.source_cat, self.param_dict_qc, proc_type="aperture", product=self.image.ghd_product) if reject_catalogs[self.catalog_type]: # We still want to write out empty files # This will delete all rows from the existing table self.source_cat.remove_rows(slice(0, None)) # Fill the nans and masked values with numeric data self.source_cat = fill_nans_maskvalues (self.source_cat, fill_value=constants.FLAG) # Write out catalog to ecsv file # self.source_cat.meta['comments'] = \ # ["NOTE: The X and Y coordinates in this table are 0-indexed (i.e. the origin is (0,0))."] self.source_cat.write(self.sourcelist_filename, format=self.catalog_format, overwrite=True)"Wrote catalog file '{}' containing {} sources".format(self.sourcelist_filename, len(self.source_cat))) # Write out region file if in diagnostic_mode. if self.diagnostic_mode: out_table = self.source_cat.copy() if 'xcentroid' in out_table.keys(): # for point-source source catalogs # Remove all other columns besides xcentroid and ycentroid out_table.keep_columns(['xcentroid', 'ycentroid']) # Add offset of 1.0 in X and Y to line up sources in region file with image displayed in ds9. out_table['xcentroid'].data[:] += np.float64(1.0) out_table['ycentroid'].data[:] += np.float64(1.0) elif 'X-Center' in out_table.keys(): # for aperture photometric catalogs # Remove all other columns besides 'X-Center and Y-Center out_table.keep_columns(['X-Center', 'Y-Center']) # Add offset of 1.0 in X and Y to line up sources in region file with image displayed in ds9. out_table['X-Center'].data[:] += np.float64(1.0) out_table['Y-Center'].data[:] += np.float64(1.0) else: # Bail out if anything else is encountered."Error: unrecognized catalog format. Skipping region file generation.") return() reg_filename = self.sourcelist_filename.replace("." + self.catalog_suffix.split(".")[1], self.catalog_region_suffix) out_table.write(reg_filename, format="ascii")"Wrote region file '{}' containing {} sources".format(reg_filename, len(out_table))) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def transform_list_xy_to_ra_dec(self, list_of_x, list_of_y, drizzled_image): """Transform lists of X and Y coordinates to lists of RA and Dec coordinates This is a temporary solution until somthing like pix2sky or pix2world can be implemented in measure_sources. directly lifted from hla classic subroutine hla_sorucelist.Transform_list_xy_to_RA_Dec() Tested. Parameters ---------- list_of_x : list list of x coordinates to convert list_of_y : list of y coordinates to convert drizzled_image : str Name of the image that corresponds to the table from DAOPhot. This image is used to re-write x and y coordinates in RA and Dec. Returns ------- ra: list list of right ascension values dec : list list of declination values """ import stwcs wcs1_drz = stwcs.wcsutil.HSTWCS(drizzled_image + "[1]") origin = 0 # *origin* is the coordinate in the upper left corner of the # image. In FITS and Fortran standards, this is 1. In Numpy and C # standards this is 0. try: skyposish = wcs1_drz.all_pix2sky(list_of_x, list_of_y, origin) except AttributeError: skyposish = wcs1_drz.all_pix2world(list_of_x, list_of_y, origin) ra = skyposish[0] dec = skyposish[1] return ra, dec # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def combine_tables(self, subset_table): """Append specified measurements from the filter table to the total detection table. The "ID" column is used to map the filter table measurements to the total detection table Parameters ---------- subset_table : Astropy table A table containing a subset of columns from a filter catalog. """ # Evaluate self.sources (the total product list) even though len(self.sources) should not be possible if len(subset_table) == 0 or len(self.sources) == 0: log.error("No sources found in the current filter table nor in the total source table.") return # Keep all the rows in the original total detection table and add columns from the filter # table where a matching "id" key is present. The key must match in case. if 'xcentroid' in self.sources.colnames: self.sources.rename_column('xcentroid', 'X-Center') if 'ycentroid' in self.sources.colnames: self.sources.rename_column('ycentroid', 'Y-Center') if 'id' in self.sources.colnames: self.sources.rename_column("id", "ID") for col2del in ['sharpness', 'roundness1', 'roundness2', 'npix', 'sky', 'peak', 'flux', 'mag']: if col2del in self.sources.colnames: self.sources.remove_column(col2del) # Cast the QTable back to a Table to avoid complications self.sources = join(Table(self.sources), subset_table, keys="ID", join_type="left")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class HAPSegmentCatalog(HAPCatalogBase): """Generate a sourcelist for a specified image by detecting both point and extended sources using the image segmentation process. Parameters ---------- image : CatalogImage object The white light (aka total detection) or filter drizzled image param_dict : dictionary Configuration values for catalog generation based upon input JSON files diagnostic_mode : bool Specifies whether or not to generate the regions file used for ds9 overlay tp_sources: dictionary Dictionary containing computed information for each catalog type """ catalog_suffix = "_segment-cat.ecsv" catalog_type = 'segment' # Class variable which indicates to the Filter object the Total object had to determine # the image background by the sigma_clipped alternate algorithm using_sigma_clipped_bkg = False def __init__(self, image, param_dict, param_dict_qc, diagnostic_mode, tp_sources): super().__init__(image, param_dict, param_dict_qc, diagnostic_mode, tp_sources) # Get the instrument/detector-specific values from the self.param_dict self._fwhm = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["fwhm"] self._size_source_box = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["source_box"] self._nlevels = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["nlevels"] self._contrast = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["contrast"] self._border = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["border"] self._nsigma = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["segm_nsigma"] self._rw2d_size = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["rw2d_size"] self._rw2d_nsigma = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["rw2d_nsigma"] self._rw2d_biggest_source = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["rw2d_biggest_source"] self._rw2d_source_fraction = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["rw2d_source_fraction"] self._bs_deblend_limit = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["biggest_source_deblend_limit"] self._sf_deblend_limit = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["source_fraction_deblend_limit"] self._ratio_bigsource_limit = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["ratio_bigsource_limit"] self._kron_scaling_radius = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["kron_scaling_radius"] self._kron_minimum_radius = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["kron_minimum_radius"] self._ratio_bigsource_deblend_limit = self.param_dict["sourcex"]["ratio_bigsource_deblend_limit"] # Initialize attributes to be computed later self.segm_img = None # Segmentation image # Image data convolved with the kernel self.convolved_img = None # Instance of a SourceCatalog object defined on the total image # but used for the filtered objects self.total_source_cat = None # Defined in measure_sources self.subset_filter_source_cat = None # Default kernel which may be the custom kernel based upon the actual image # data or a Gaussian 2D kernel. This may be over-ridden in identify_sources(). self.kernel = copy.deepcopy(self.image.kernel) # Attribute computed when generating the segmentation image. If the segmentation image # is deemed to be of poor quality, make sure to add documentation to the output catalog. self.is_big_island = False def identify_sources(self, **pars): """Use photutils to find sources in image based on segmentation. Returns ------- Defines ------- self.segm_img : ``photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage`` Two-dimensional segmentation image where found source regions are labeled with unique, non-zero positive integers. """ # Recognize empty/blank images and treat gracefully if self.image.blank: self._define_empty_table(None)'Total Detection Product - Segmentation source catalog is EMPTY') return # If the total product sources have not been identified, then this needs to be done! # Essentially, this "if" is the total product 'identify' block. The filter product # inherits some variables from the total product in the "else" block. if not self.tp_sources: # Report configuration values to log"{}".format("=" * 80))"")"SExtractor-like source finding settings - Photutils segmentation")"Total Detection Product - Input Parameters")"Image: {}".format(self.imgname))"FWHM: {}".format(self._fwhm))"size_source_box (no. of connected pixels needed for a detection): {}".format(self._size_source_box))"nsigma (threshold = nsigma * background_rms): {}".format(self._nsigma))"nlevels (no. of multi-thresholding levels for deblending): {}".format(self._nlevels))"contrast (frac. flux for peak to be separate object, 0=max. deblend, 1=no deblend): {}".format(self._contrast))"RickerWavelet nsigma (threshold = nsigma * background_rms): {}".format(self._rw2d_nsigma))"RickerWavelet kernel X- and Y-dimension: {}".format(self._rw2d_size))"Percentage limit on biggest source (criterion for RickerWavelet kernel): {}".format(100.0 * self._rw2d_biggest_source))"Percentage limit on source fraction over the image (criterion for RickerWavelet kernel): {}".format(100.0 * self._rw2d_source_fraction))"Percentage limit on biggest source deblending limit: {}".format(100.0 * self._bs_deblend_limit))"Percentage limit on source fraction deblending limit: {}".format(100.0 * self._sf_deblend_limit))"Scaling parameter of the Kron radius: {}".format(self._kron_scaling_radius))"Kron minimum circular radius: {}".format(self._kron_minimum_radius))"")"{}".format("=" * 80)) # Get the SCI image data imgarr = copy.deepcopy( log.debug("IMG stats: min/max: {}, {}".format(imgarr.min(), imgarr.max())) # Custom or Gaussian kernel depending upon the results of CatalogImage build_kernel() g2d_kernel = self.image.kernel # Write out diagnostic data if self.diagnostic_mode: # Exclusion mask outname = self.imgname.replace(".fits", "_mask.fits") fits.PrimaryHDU(data=self.image.inv_footprint_mask.astype(np.uint16)).writeto(outname) # Background image outname = self.imgname.replace(".fits", "_bkg.fits") fits.PrimaryHDU(data=self.image.bkg_background_ra).writeto(outname) # filter kernel as well outname = self.imgname.replace(".fits", "_kernel.fits") fits.PrimaryHDU(data=g2d_kernel).writeto(outname) # Detect segments and evaluate the detection in terms of big sources/islands or crowded fields # Round 1 ncount = 0"")"ROUND 1")"Using Custom kernel or Gaussian to generate a segmentation map.") g_segm_img, g_is_big_crowded, g_bs, g_sf = self.detect_and_eval_segments(imgarr, g2d_kernel, ncount, self._size_source_box, self._nsigma, self.image.bkg_background_ra, self.image.bkg_rms_ra, check_big_island_only=False, rw2d_biggest_source=self._rw2d_biggest_source, rw2d_source_fraction=self._rw2d_source_fraction) segm_img_orig = copy.deepcopy(g_segm_img) # If the science field via the segmentation map is deemed crowded or has big sources/islands, compute the # RickerWavelet2DKernel and call detect_and_eval_segments() again. Still use the custom fwhm as it # should be better than a generic fwhm as it is based upon the data. # Note: the fwhm might be a default if the custom algorithm had to fall back to a Gaussian. if g_is_big_crowded and g_segm_img:"")"The segmentation map contains big sources/islands or a large source fraction of segments.")"Using RickerWavelet2DKernel to generate an alternate segmentation map.") # Convert the FWHM into a sigma value rw_sigma = self.image.kernel_fwhm * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma rw2dk = self.ricker_matched_kernel(rw_sigma, x_size=self._rw2d_size, y_size=self._rw2d_size) # Only pass along the array to be consistent with the g2d_kernel object rw2d_kernel = rw2dk.array # Detect segments and evaluate the detection in terms of big sources/islands or crowded fields # Round 1 ncount += 1 rw_segm_img, rw_is_big_crowded, rw_bs, rw_sf = self.detect_and_eval_segments(imgarr, rw2d_kernel, ncount, self._size_source_box, self._rw2d_nsigma, self.image.bkg_background_ra, self.image.bkg_rms_ra, check_big_island_only=True, rw2d_biggest_source=self._rw2d_biggest_source, rw2d_source_fraction=self._rw2d_source_fraction) # Check if the RickerWavelet segmentation image still seems to be problematic if rw_is_big_crowded and rw_segm_img: # Before giving up, check the type of background computed for the detection image, # and proceed based upon the type. If a "sigma-clipped background" is in use, compute # a "2D background" instead. If a "2D background" is in use, increase the # threshold for source detection."")"RickerWavelet computed segmentation image still contains big sources/islands.")"Recomputing the threshold or background image for improved segmentation detection.") # Make sure to be working with the unmodified image data imgarr = copy.deepcopy( # Background types: zero_background, sigma_clipped_background, twod_background # Compute a twod_background if (self.image.bkg_type.lower().startswith('sigma')):"Recomputing the background image from a sigma-clipped background to a Background2D.") # In order to force the use of a background2D, some configuration values will be # re-set (i.e., bkg_skew_threshold and negative_percent). self.image.compute_background(self.param_dict['bkg_box_size'], self.param_dict['bkg_filter_size'], bkg_skew_threshold=0.0, negative_percent=100.0) if self.diagnostic_mode: outname = self.imgname.replace(".fits", "_bkg1.fits") fits.PrimaryHDU(data=self.image.bkg_background_ra).writeto(outname) # Need to remake image kernel as it has a dependence on self.bkg_rms_ra self.image.build_kernel(self.param_dict['bkg_box_size'], self.param_dict['bkg_filter_size'], self.param_dict['dao']['TWEAK_FWHMPSF']) # Reset the local version of the Custom/Gaussian kernel and the RickerWavelet # kernel when the background type changes g2d_kernel = self.image.kernel rw_sigma = self.image.kernel_fwhm * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma rw2dk = self.ricker_matched_kernel(rw_sigma, x_size=self._rw2d_size, y_size=self._rw2d_size) rw2d_kernel = rw2dk.array sigma_for_threshold = self._nsigma rw2d_sigma_for_threshold = self._rw2d_nsigma # Re-compute a background2D with a higher threshold by increasing the nsigma used elif (self.image.bkg_type.lower().startswith('twod')):"Increasing the threshold by nsigma * 2.0 for improved source detection.") sigma_for_threshold = self._nsigma * 2.0 rw2d_sigma_for_threshold = self._rw2d_nsigma * 2.0 # Define thresholds for empty/zero background else:"Defining the threshold image based on nsigma for source detection.") sigma_for_threshold = self._nsigma rw2d_sigma_for_threshold = self._rw2d_nsigma # Detect segments and evaluate the detection in terms of big sources/islands or crowded fields # Round 2 ncount += 1"")"ROUND 2")"With alternate background...using Custom/Gaussian kernel to generate a segmentation map.") del g_segm_img g_segm_img, g_is_big_crowded, g_bs, g_sf = self.detect_and_eval_segments(imgarr, g2d_kernel, ncount, self._size_source_box, sigma_for_threshold, self.image.bkg_background_ra, self.image.bkg_rms_ra, check_big_island_only=False, rw2d_biggest_source=self._rw2d_biggest_source, rw2d_source_fraction=self._rw2d_source_fraction) # Check again for big sources/islands or a large source fraction if g_is_big_crowded:"")"The segmentation map contains big sources/islands or a large source fraction of segments.")"With alternate background...using RickerWavelet2DKernel to generate an alternate segmentation map.")"Checking of RickerWavelet2DKernel results using more generous big sources and source fraction limits.") # Detect segments and evaluate the detection in terms of big sources/islands or crowded fields # Note the biggest source and source fraction limits are the much larger "deblend" values. # Round 2 ncount += 1 del rw_segm_img rw_segm_img, rw_is_big_crowded, rw_bs, rw_sf = self.detect_and_eval_segments(imgarr, rw2d_kernel, ncount, self._size_source_box, rw2d_sigma_for_threshold, self.image.bkg_background_ra, self.image.bkg_rms_ra, check_big_island_only=True, rw2d_biggest_source=self._bs_deblend_limit, rw2d_source_fraction=self._sf_deblend_limit) # Compute the ratio of big sources/islands using Custom/Gaussian vs Rickerwavelet kernel # This value used as a discriminant between overlapping point sources and nebulousity fields ratio_cg2rw_bigsource = 3.0 if rw_bs > 0.0: ratio_cg2rw_bigsource = g_bs / rw_bs # Last chance - The larger "deblend" limits were used in this last detection # attempt based upon the the statistics of processing lots of data - looking # for a balance between not being able to generate segmentation catalogs versus # deblending for an unreasonable amount of time (days). # # Also, the ratio_cg2rw_bigsource is indicative of overlapping PSFs versus large # areas of nebulousity. If this ratio is approximately > 2, then deblending can be # quite efficient and successful for the overlapping PSF case. # # Use the Round 2 RickerWavelet segmentation image"Custom/Gaussian biggest source found: {} Rickerwavelent biggest source found: {}.".format(g_bs, rw_bs))"Ratio of big sources found using Custom/Gaussian vs Rickerwavelet kernel: {}.".format(ratio_cg2rw_bigsource)) # This is the easy case. if not rw_is_big_crowded: self.kernel = rw2d_kernel segm_img = copy.deepcopy(rw_segm_img) del rw_segm_img # The field was found to be crowded, but the biggest source second criterion is deemed OK. elif (rw_is_big_crowded and (ratio_cg2rw_bigsource > self._ratio_bigsource_limit)):"The Round 2 of segmentation images may still contain big sources/islands.\n" "However, the ratio between the Custom/Gaussian and Rickerwavelet biggest source is\n" "indicative of overlapping PSFs vs nebulousity.")"Proceeding as the time to deblend should be nominal.") self.kernel = rw2d_kernel segm_img = copy.deepcopy(rw_segm_img) del rw_segm_img # The segmentation image is problematic and the big island/source fraction limits are exceeded, # so deblending could take days, and the results would not be viable in any case. else: log.warning("") log.warning("The Round 2 of segmentation images still contain big sources/islands or a\n" "large source fraction of segments.") log.warning("The segmentation algorithm is unable to continue and no segmentation catalog will be produced.") self._define_empty_table(rw_segm_img) del g_segm_img del rw_segm_img return # Use the second round custom/Gaussian segmentation image else: self.kernel = g2d_kernel segm_img = copy.deepcopy(g_segm_img) del g_segm_img # The first round RickerWavelet segmentation image is good, continue with the processing elif not rw_is_big_crowded and rw_segm_img: self.kernel = rw2d_kernel segm_img = copy.deepcopy(rw_segm_img) del rw_segm_img del g_segm_img # No segments were detected in the total data product - no further processing done for this TDP, # but processing of another TDP should proceed. elif not rw_segm_img: self._define_empty_table(rw_segm_img) return # The first round custom/Gaussian segmentation image is good, continue with the processing elif not g_is_big_crowded and g_segm_img: self.kernel = g2d_kernel segm_img = copy.deepcopy(g_segm_img) del g_segm_img # No segments were detected in the total data product - no further processing done for this TDP, # but processing of another TDP should proceed. elif not g_segm_img: self._define_empty_table(g_segm_img) return # If appropriate, deblend the segmentation image. Otherwise, use the current segmentation image ncount += 1 if segm_img.big_segments is not None: segm_img = self.deblend_segments(segm_img, imgarr, ncount, filter_kernel=self.kernel, source_box=self._size_source_box) # The total product catalog consists of at least the X/Y and RA/Dec coordinates for the detected # sources in the total drizzled image. All the actual measurements are done on the filtered drizzled # images using the coordinates determined from the total drizzled image. Measure the coordinates now."Identifying sources in total detection image.") self.segm_img = copy.deepcopy(segm_img) del segm_img self.source_cat = SourceCatalog(imgarr, self.segm_img, background=self.image.bkg_background_ra, convolved_data = self.convolved_img, wcs=self.image.imgwcs, kron_params=[self._kron_scaling_radius, self._kron_minimum_radius]) enforce_icrs_compatibility(self.source_cat) # Convert source_cat which is a SourceCatalog to an Astropy Table - need the data in tabular # form to filter out bad rows and correspondingly bad segments before the filter images are processed. total_measurements_table = Table(self.source_cat.to_table(columns=['label', 'xcentroid', 'ycentroid', 'sky_centroid_icrs'])) # Filter the table to eliminate nans or inf based on the coordinates, then remove these segments from # the segmentation image too good_rows = [] good_segm_rows_by_label = [] updated_table = None for i, old_row in enumerate(total_measurements_table): if np.isfinite(old_row["xcentroid"]): good_rows.append(old_row) good_segm_rows_by_label.append(total_measurements_table['label'][i]) updated_table = Table(rows=good_rows, names=total_measurements_table.colnames) # Need to keep an updated copy of the total image SourceCatalog object for use when # making measurements in the filtered images self.total_source_cat = self.source_cat.get_labels(good_segm_rows_by_label) # Clean up the existing column names, format, and descriptions # At this point self.source_cat has been converted into an Astropy table self.source_cat = self._define_total_table(updated_table) # self.sources needs to be passed to a filter catalog object based on code in # (create_catalog_products()). This is the way the independent catalogs of total and filter products # process the same segmentation image. # BEWARE: self.sources for "segmentation" is a SegmentationImage, but for "point" it is an Astropy table # Keep only the good segments from the image self.segm_img.keep_labels(good_segm_rows_by_label, relabel=True) # Make a deep copy of the total "white light" segmentation image self.sources = self.segm_img.copy()"Done identifying sources in total detection image for the segmentation catalog.")"")"{}".format("=" * 80))"") # This is the filter product section - use sources identified in total detection product # previously generated else: self.sources = self.tp_sources['segment']['sources'] # segmentation image self.kernel = self.tp_sources['segment']['kernel'] self.total_source_table = self.tp_sources['segment']['source_cat'] # source catalog as a table self.total_source_cat = self.tp_sources['segment']['total_source_cat'] # SourceCatalog datatype # For debugging purposes only, create a "regions" files to use for ds9 overlay of the segm_img. # Create the image regions file here in case there is a failure. This diagnostic portion of the # code should only be invoked when working on the total object catalog (self.segm_img is defined). if self.diagnostic_mode and self.segm_img: # Copy out only the X and Y coordinates to a "diagnostic_mode table" and cast as an Astropy Table # so a scalar can be added to the centroid coordinates tbl = self.source_cat["X-Centroid", "Y-Centroid"] # Construct the diagnostic_mode output filename and write the regions file indx = self.sourcelist_filename.find("ecsv") outname = self.sourcelist_filename[0:indx-1] + "_all.reg" tbl["X-Centroid"].info.format = ".12f" tbl["Y-Centroid"].info.format = ".12f" # Add one to the X and Y table values to put the data onto a one-based system, # particularly for display with ds9 tbl["X-Centroid"] = tbl["X-Centroid"] + 1 tbl["Y-Centroid"] = tbl["Y-Centroid"] + 1 tbl.write(outname, format="ascii.commented_header")"Wrote region file '{}' containing {} sources".format(outname, len(tbl))) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def ricker_matched_kernel(self, sigma, sigma_factor=1.5, **kw): """Return normalized RickerWavelet2D kernel matched to Gaussian width The sigma is increased by a factor sigma_factor=1.5 to match the Gaussian core width, and the normalization matches the RickerWavelet peak to the Gaussian peak. This kernel should be applied using the 'normalize_kernel=False' parameter to astropy.convolution.convolve(). Routine contributed by Rick L. White. Parameters ---------- sigma : float Sigma of the RickerWavelet kernel sigma_factor : float Factor to match the Gaussian core width kw : int x_size : Size in the x-direction y_size : Size in the y-direction Returns ------- RickerWavelenket2DKernel : Ëśastropy.convolution.RickerWavelet2DKernel Normalized RickerWavelent2DKernel """ rsigma = sigma_factor*sigma rnorm = 0.5 * sigma_factor**4 * sigma**2 return rnorm*RickerWavelet2DKernel(rsigma, **kw) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def detect_and_eval_segments(self, imgarr, kernel, ncount, size_source_box, nsigma_above_bkg, background_img, background_rms, check_big_island_only=False, rw2d_biggest_source=0.015, rw2d_source_fraction=0.075): # Compute the threshold to use for source detection threshold = self.compute_threshold(nsigma_above_bkg, background_rms) # Write out diagnostic data if self.diagnostic_mode: outname = self.imgname.replace(".fits", "_threshold" + str(ncount) + ".fits") fits.PrimaryHDU(data=threshold).writeto(outname) # Generate the segmentation map by detecting "sources" using the nominal settings. # Use all the parameters here developed for the "custom kernel". Note: if the # "custom kernel" did not work out, build_auto_kernel() drops back to a Gaussian. #'Kernel shape: {} source_box: {}'.format(g2d.shape, self._size_source_box)) segm_img = self.detect_segments(imgarr, threshold, background_img, ncount, filter_kernel=kernel, source_box=size_source_box, mask=self.image.inv_footprint_mask) # Check if custom_segm_image is None indicating there are no detectable sources in this # total detection image. If value is None, a warning has already been issued. Issue # a final message for this particular total detection product and return. if segm_img is None: log.warning("End processing for the segmentation catalog due to no sources detected with the current kernel.") log.warning("An empty catalog will be produced for this total detection product, {}.".format(self.imgname)) is_big_crowded = True big_island = 1.0 source_fraction = 1.0 else: # Determine if the segmentation image is filled with big sources/islands (bs) or is crowded with a large # source fraction (sf). Depending upon these measurements, it can take a very, very long time to deblend # the sources. is_big_crowded = True is_big_crowded, big_island, source_fraction = self._evaluate_segmentation_image(segm_img, imgarr, big_island_only=check_big_island_only, max_biggest_source=rw2d_biggest_source, max_source_fraction=rw2d_source_fraction) return segm_img, is_big_crowded, big_island, source_fraction # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def compute_threshold(self, nsigma, bkg_rms): """Compute the threshold value above which sources are deemed detected. Parameters ---------- nsigma : float Multiplicative factor for the background RMS bkg_rms : float image RMS of the background determined image Returns ------- threshold: float image Image which defines, on a pixel-by-pixel basis, the low limit above which sources are detected. Note: The background image is NOT built into the threshold image. """"Computing the threshold value used for source detection.") if not self.tp_masks: threshold = nsigma * bkg_rms else: threshold = np.zeros_like(self.tp_masks[0]['rel_weight'])"Using WHT masks as a scale on the RMS to compute threshold detection limit.") for wht_mask in self.tp_masks: threshold_rms = bkg_rms * np.sqrt(wht_mask['scale'] * wht_mask['mask'] / wht_mask['rel_weight'].max()) threshold_rms_median = np.nanmedian(threshold_rms[threshold_rms > 0]) threshold_item = nsigma * threshold_rms_median # Ensure the threshold image is built up, section by section, as created by # the wht_mask['mask'] threshold += (threshold_item * wht_mask['mask']) del(threshold_rms) return threshold # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def detect_segments(self, imgarr, threshold, background_img, ncount, filter_kernel=None, source_box=6, mask=None): """Detect segments found in the input total detection (aka white light) image. Image regions are identified as segments in the 'total detection image' if the region has n-connected pixels with values greater than the 'threshold'. The resultant segmentation image is then evaluated to determine if the segments represent a large portion of the image or if any one segment is very large. Parameters ---------- imgarr : float Total detection image (no background subtraction) threshold : float Image which defines, on a pixel-by-pixel basis, the low limit above which sources are detected. The threshold is composed of the 'sigma * rms'. background_img : float Computed 2D background for total detection image ncount : int Invocation index for this method. The index is used to create unique names for diagnostic output files. filter_kernel : astropy.convolution.Kernel2D object, optional Filter used to smooth the total detection image to enhance peak or multi-scale detection. source_box : int, optional Number of connected pixels needed to define a source mask : bool image, optional Boolean image used to define the illuminated and non-illuminated pixels. Returns ------- segm_img : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` or None """"Detecting sources in total image product.") # Subtract the background image from the white light image and convolve # # Important to background subtract to get accurate positions for faint sources or # positions will be shifted toward the geometrical center of the segment rather # than located at the flux-weighted centroid as desired. self.convolved_img = convolve(imgarr-background_img, filter_kernel, normalize_kernel=False) # The threshold should not include the background. segm_img = detect_sources(self.convolved_img, threshold, npixels=source_box, mask=mask) # If no segments were found, there are no detectable sources in the total detection image. # Return as there is nothing more to do. if segm_img is None: log.warning("No segments were found in Total Detection Product, {}.".format(self.imgname)) log.warning("Processing for segmentation source catalogs for this product is ending.") return segm_img if self.diagnostic_mode: outname = self.imgname.replace(".fits", "_segment" + str(ncount) + ".fits") fits.PrimaryHDU( return segm_img # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def deblend_segments(self, segm_img, imgarr, ncount, filter_kernel=None, source_box=6): """Deblend segments found in the input total detection (aka white light) image. The segmentation image generated by detect_segments is deblended in an effort to separate overlapping sources. Parameters ---------- segm_img : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` Segmentation image created by detect_segments() based on the total detection image imgarr : Total detection image ncount : int Invocation index for this method. The index is used to create unique names for diagnostic output files. filter_kernel : astropy.convolution.Kernel2D object, optional Filter used to smooth the total detection image to enhance peak or multi-scale detection. source_box : int, optional Number of connected pixels needed to define a source Updates ------- segm_img : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` Deblended segmentation image """"Deblending segments in total image product.") # Note: SExtractor has "connectivity=8" which is the default for detect_sources(). # Initialize return value in case of failure in deblending segm_deblended_img = segm_img try: # Deblending is a combination of multi-thresholding and watershed # segmentation. Sextractor uses a multi-thresholding technique. # npixels = minimum number of connected pixels in source # npixels and filter_kernel should match those used by detect_sources() segm_deblended_img = deblend_sources(self.convolved_img, segm_img, npixels=source_box, nlevels=self._nlevels, contrast=self._contrast, labels=segm_img.big_segments) if self.diagnostic_mode:"Deblended {} out of {} segments".format(len(segm_img.big_segments), segm_img.nlabels)) outname = self.imgname.replace(".fits", "_segment_deblended" + str(ncount) + ".fits") fits.PrimaryHDU( except Exception as x_cept: log.warning("Deblending the segments in image {} was not successful: {}.".format(self.imgname, x_cept)) log.warning("Processing can continue with the non-deblended segments, but the user should\n" "check the output catalog for issues.") # The deblending was successful, so just return the deblended SegmentationImage to calling routine. return segm_deblended_img # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def measure_sources(self, filter_name): """Use the positions of the sources identified in the white light (total detection) image to measure properties of these sources in the filter images. An instrument/detector combination may have multiple filter-level products. This routine is called for each filter image which is then measured to generate a filter-level source catalog based on object positions measured in the total detection product image. Returns ------- """ if self.sources is None or self.sources.nlabels == 0: # Report configuration values to log"{}".format("=" * 80))"")"No segmentation sources identified for photometry for")"image name: {}".format(self.imgname))"Generating empty segment catalog.")"") self._define_empty_table(None) # Capture specified filter columns in order to append to the total detection table self.subset_filter_source_cat = Table(names=["ID", "MagAp2", "CI", "Flags"]) self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("MagAp2", "MagAP2_" + filter_name) self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("CI", "CI_" + filter_name) self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("Flags", "Flags_" + filter_name) return # Get filter-level science data imgarr = copy.deepcopy( # Report configuration values to log"{}".format("=" * 80))"")"SExtractor-like source property measurements based on Photutils segmentation")"Filter Level Product - Input Parameters")"image name: {}".format(self.imgname))"FWHM: {}".format(self._fwhm))"size_source_box: {}".format(self._size_source_box))"") # This is the filter science data and its computed background imgarr_bkgsub = imgarr - self.image.bkg_background_ra # Compute the Poisson error of the sources... total_error = calc_total_error(imgarr_bkgsub, self.image.bkg_rms_ra, 1.0) # Columns to include from the computation of source properties to save # computation time from computing values which are not used include_filter_cols = ['area', bac_colname, 'bbox_xmax', 'bbox_xmin', 'bbox_ymax', 'bbox_ymin', 'covar_sigx2', 'covar_sigxy', 'covar_sigy2', 'cxx', 'cxy', 'cyy', 'ellipticity', 'elongation', id_colname, 'kron_radius', 'orientation', 'sky_centroid_icrs', flux_colname, ferr_colname, 'xcentroid', 'ycentroid'] # Compute source properties... # No convolved image needed here since the detection_cat parameter is set. include_filter_cols.append('fwhm') self.source_cat = SourceCatalog(imgarr_bkgsub, self.sources, background=self.image.bkg_background_ra, detection_cat=self.total_source_cat, error=total_error, wcs=self.image.imgwcs) enforce_icrs_compatibility(self.source_cat) filter_measurements_table = Table(self.source_cat.to_table(columns=include_filter_cols)) # Compute aperture photometry measurements and append the columns to the measurements table self.do_aperture_photometry(imgarr, filter_measurements_table, self.imgname, filter_name) # Now clean up and prepare the filter table for output self.source_cat = self._define_filter_table(filter_measurements_table)"Found and measured {} sources from segmentation map.".format(len(self.source_cat)))"")"{}".format("=" * 80))"") # Capture specified filter columns in order to append to the total detection table self.subset_filter_source_cat = self.source_cat["ID", "MagAp2", "CI", "Flags"] self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("MagAp2", "MagAP2_" + filter_name) self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("CI", "CI_" + filter_name) self.subset_filter_source_cat.rename_column("Flags", "Flags_" + filter_name) if self.diagnostic_mode: # Write out a catalog which can be used as an overlay for image in ds9 # The source coordinates are the same for the total and filter products, but the kernel is # total- or filter-specific and any row with nan or inf has been removed from the filter table.. # Copy out only the X and Y coordinates to a "diagnostic_mode table" and # cast as an Astropy Table so a scalar can be added later tbl = Table(self.source_cat["X-Centroid", "Y-Centroid"]) # Construct the diagnostic_mode output filename and write the catalog indx = self.sourcelist_filename.find("ecsv") outname = self.sourcelist_filename[0:indx-1] + "_all.reg" tbl["X-Centroid"].info.format = ".10f" # optional format tbl["Y-Centroid"].info.format = ".10f" # Add one to the X and Y table values to put the data onto a one-based system, # particularly for display with ds9 tbl["X-Centroid"] = tbl["X-Centroid"] + 1 tbl["Y-Centroid"] = tbl["Y-Centroid"] + 1 tbl.write(outname, format="ascii.commented_header")"Wrote the diagnostic_mode version of the filter detection source catalog: {}\n".format(outname)) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def do_aperture_photometry(self, input_image, filter_measurements_table, image_name, filter_name): """Perform aperture photometry measurements as a means to distinguish point versus extended sources. """ # Convert the SkyCoord column to separate RA and Dec columns radec_data = SkyCoord(filter_measurements_table["sky_centroid_icrs"]) ra_icrs = dec_icrs = rr = Column(ra_icrs, name="RA", unit="degree") dd = Column(dec_icrs, name="DEC", unit="degree") filter_measurements_table.add_columns([dd, rr]) # Compute the MagSegment filter_measurements_table["MagSegment"] = photometry_tools.convert_flux_to_abmag(filter_measurements_table[flux_colname], self.image.keyword_dict['photflam'], self.image.keyword_dict['photplam']) # Determine the "good rows" as defined by the X and Y coordinates not being nans as # the pos_xy array cannot contain any nan values. Note: It is possible for a filter # catalog to have NO sources (subarray data). The "bad rows" will have the RA and DEC values # in the filter catalog replaced with the corresponding RA and Dec values from the total # catalog to give the user some perspective. good_rows_index = [] bad_rows_index = [] for i, old_row in enumerate(filter_measurements_table): if np.isfinite(old_row["xcentroid"]): good_rows_index.append(i) else: bad_rows_index.append(i) # Create placeholder columns for the output table self._create_table_columns(filter_measurements_table) # Case: there are good/measurable sources in the input table if good_rows_index: # Obtain the X and Y positions to compute the circular annulus positions = (filter_measurements_table["xcentroid"][good_rows_index], filter_measurements_table["ycentroid"][good_rows_index]) pos_xy = np.vstack(positions).T # Define list of background annulii bg_apers = CircularAnnulus(pos_xy, r_in=self.param_dict['skyannulus_arcsec']/self.image.imgwcs.pscale, r_out=(self.param_dict['skyannulus_arcsec'] + self.param_dict['dskyannulus_arcsec'])/self.image.imgwcs.pscale) # Create list of photometric apertures to measure phot_apers = [CircularAperture(pos_xy, r=r) for r in self.aper_radius_list_pixels] # Perform aperture photometry - the input data should NOT be background subtracted photometry_tbl = photometry_tools.iraf_style_photometry(phot_apers, bg_apers, data=input_image, photflam=self.image.keyword_dict['photflam'], photplam=self.image.keyword_dict['photplam'], error_array=self.image.bkg_rms_ra, bg_method=self.param_dict['salgorithm'], epadu=self.gain) # Capture data computed by the photometry tools and append to the output table filter_measurements_table['FluxAp1'][good_rows_index] = photometry_tbl['FluxAp1'] filter_measurements_table['FluxErrAp1'][good_rows_index] = photometry_tbl['FluxErrAp1'] filter_measurements_table['MagAp1'][good_rows_index] = photometry_tbl['MagAp1'] filter_measurements_table['MagErrAp1'][good_rows_index] = photometry_tbl['MagErrAp1'] filter_measurements_table['FluxAp2'][good_rows_index] = photometry_tbl['FluxAp2'] filter_measurements_table['FluxErrAp2'][good_rows_index] = photometry_tbl['FluxErrAp2'] filter_measurements_table['MagAp2'][good_rows_index] = photometry_tbl['MagAp2'] filter_measurements_table['MagErrAp2'][good_rows_index] = photometry_tbl['MagErrAp2'] filter_measurements_table['MSkyAp2'][good_rows_index] = photometry_tbl['MSkyAp2'] filter_measurements_table['StdevAp2'][good_rows_index] = photometry_tbl['StdevAp2'] mag_inner_data = photometry_tbl["MagAp1"].data mag_outer_data = photometry_tbl["MagAp2"].data try: # Compute the Concentration Index (CI) if math.isclose(self.image.keyword_dict['photflam'], 0.0, abs_tol=constants.TOLERANCE): # Fill the ci_data column with the "bad data indicator" of -9999.0 # where photometry_tbl["MagAp1"] was populated with -9999.0 in iraf_style_photometry ci_data = photometry_tbl["MagAp1"].data ci_mask = np.logical_not(ci_data > constants.FLAG + 1.0) else: ci_data = mag_inner_data - mag_outer_data ci_mask = np.logical_and(np.abs(ci_data) > 0.0, np.abs(ci_data) < 1.0e-30) big_bad_index = np.where(abs(ci_data) > 1.0e20) ci_mask[big_bad_index] = True except Exception as x_cept: log.warning("Computation of concentration index (CI) was not successful: {} - {}.".format(self.imgname, x_cept)) log.warning("CI measurements may be missing from the output filter catalog.\n") # Create a column of data from an existing column of data # and set each value = -9999.0 ci_data = constants.FLAG + photometry_tbl["MagAp1"] * 0.0 ci_mask = np.logical_not(ci_data > constants.FLAG + 1.0) ci_col = MaskedColumn(name='CI', data=ci_data, dtype=np.float64, mask=ci_mask) # OK to insert *entire* column here to preserve any values which have been computed. The # column already exists and contains nans. if isinstance(ci_col, MaskedColumn): filter_measurements_table['CI'][good_rows_index] = ci_col # Case: no good rows in the table # Issue a message for the case no good rows at all being found in the filter image. # The bad rows will be "filled in" with the same code (below) where all the rows are bad. else:"There are no valid rows in the output Segmentation filter catalog for image %s (filter: %s).", image_name, filter_name) # Fill in any bad rows - this code fills in sporadic missing rows, as well as all rows being missing. # The bad rows have nan values for the xcentroid/ycentroid coordinates, as well as the RA/Dec values, # so recover these values from the total source catalog to make it easy for the user to map the filter # catalog rows back to the total detection catalog filter_measurements_table['xcentroid'][bad_rows_index] = self.total_source_table['X-Centroid'][bad_rows_index] filter_measurements_table['ycentroid'][bad_rows_index] = self.total_source_table['Y-Centroid'][bad_rows_index] filter_measurements_table['RA'][bad_rows_index] = self.total_source_table['RA'][bad_rows_index] filter_measurements_table['DEC'][bad_rows_index] = self.total_source_table['DEC'][bad_rows_index] # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def _create_table_columns(self, table): """Create placeholder columns for the output filter table. The output filter table becomes the filter catalog ECSV file. Define the column order, data format, output column names, descriptions, and units for the table. Parameters ---------- table : Astropy table Returns ------- table : Astropy table A modified version of the input table which now has additional placeholder columns appended. """ tblLen = len(table) ci_col = MaskedColumn(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="CI") table.add_column(ci_col) flux_col = Column(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="FluxAp1") table.add_column(flux_col) flux_col_err = Column(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="FluxErrAp1") table.add_column(flux_col_err) mag_col = Column(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="MagAp1") table.add_column(mag_col) mag_col_err = Column(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="MagErrAp1") table.add_column(mag_col_err) flux_col = Column(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="FluxAp2") table.add_column(flux_col) flux_col_err = Column(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="FluxErrAp2") table.add_column(flux_col_err) mag_col = Column(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="MagAp2") table.add_column(mag_col) mag_col_err = Column(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="MagErrAp2") table.add_column(mag_col_err) msky_col = Column(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="MSkyAp2") table.add_column(msky_col) stdev_col = Column(data=np.ones(tblLen)*float('nan'), name="StdevAp2") table.add_column(stdev_col) # Add zero-value "Flags" column in preparation for source flagging flag_col = Column(name="Flags", data=np.zeros_like(table[id_colname])) table.add_column(flag_col) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def _define_filter_table(self, filter_table): """Set the overall format for the filter output catalog. Define the column order, data format, output column names, descriptions, and units for the table. Parameters ---------- filter_table : Astropy table Table which has been generated based upon SourceCatalog information and contains many properties calculated for each segmented source. Returns ------- final_filter_table : Astropy table A modified version of the input table which has been reformatted in preparation for catalog generation. """ # Rename columns to names used when HLA Classic catalog distributed by MAST final_col_names = {id_colname: "ID", "xcentroid": "X-Centroid", "ycentroid": "Y-Centroid", bac_colname: "Bck", flux_colname: "FluxSegment", ferr_colname: "FluxSegmentErr", "bbox_xmin": "Xmin", "bbox_ymin": "Ymin", "bbox_xmax": "Xmax", "bbox_ymax": "Ymax", "cxx": "CXX", "cyy": "CYY", "cxy": "CXY", "covar_sigx2": "X2", "covar_sigy2": "Y2", "covar_sigxy": "XY", "orientation": "Theta", "elongation": "Elongation", "ellipticity": "Ellipticity", "area": "Area", "fwhm": "FWHM", "kron_radius": "KronRadius"} for old_col_title in final_col_names: filter_table.rename_column(old_col_title, final_col_names[old_col_title]) # Define the order of the columns final_col_order = ["X-Centroid", "Y-Centroid", "RA", "DEC", "ID", "CI", "Flags", "MagAp1", "MagErrAp1", "FluxAp1", "FluxErrAp1", "MagAp2", "MagErrAp2", "FluxAp2", "FluxErrAp2", "MSkyAp2", "Bck", "Area", "FWHM", "MagSegment", "FluxSegment", "FluxSegmentErr", "KronRadius", "Xmin", "Ymin", "Xmax", "Ymax", "X2", "Y2", "XY", "CXX", "CYY", "CXY", "Elongation", "Ellipticity", "Theta"] final_filter_table = filter_table[final_col_order] # Define the format final_col_format = {"X-Centroid": "10.3f", "Y-Centroid": "10.3f", "RA": "13.7f", "DEC": "13.7f", "ID": "7d", "CI": "7.3f", "Flags": "5d", "MagAp1": "7.3f", "MagErrAp1": "7.3f", "FluxAp1": "10.4f", "FluxErrAp1": "10.4f", "MagAp2": "7.3f", "MagErrAp2": "7.3f", "FluxAp2": "10.4f", "FluxErrAp2": "10.4f", "MSkyAp2": "7.3f", "Bck": "10.4f", "MagSegment": "7.3f", "FluxSegment": "10.4f", "FluxSegmentErr": "10.4f", "KronRadius": "8.4f", "Xmin": "8.0f", "Ymin": "8.0f", "Xmax": "8.0f", "Ymax": "8.0f", "X2": "8.4f", "Y2": "8.4f", "XY": "8.4f", "CXX": "9.5f", "CYY": "9.5f", "CXY": "9.5f", "Elongation": "7.2f", "Ellipticity": "7.2f", "Theta": "8.3f", "Area": "8.3f", "FWHM": "8.3f"} for fcf_key in final_col_format.keys(): final_filter_table[fcf_key].format = final_col_format[fcf_key] # Add description final_col_descrip = {"ID": "Catalog Object Identification Number", "X-Centroid": "Pixel Coordinate", "Y-Centroid": "Pixel Coordinate", "RA": "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation", "DEC": "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation", "Bck": "Background at the position of the source centroid", "Area": "Total unmasked area of the source segment", "FWHM": "Circularized FWHM of 2D Gaussian function having the same second-order central moments as the source", "MagAp1": "ABMAG of source based on the inner (smaller) aperture", "MagErrAp1": "Error of MagAp1", "FluxAp1": "Flux of source based on the inner (smaller) aperture", "FluxErrAp1": "Error of FluxAp1", "MagAp2": "ABMAG of source based on the outer (larger) aperture", "MagErrAp2": "Error of MagAp2", "FluxAp2": "Flux of source based on the outer (larger) aperture", "FluxErrAp2": "Error of FluxAp2", "MSkyAp2": "Sky estimate from an annulus outside Aperture 2", "FluxSegment": "Sum of unmasked data values in the source segment", "FluxSegmentErr": "Uncertainty of FluxSegment, propagated from the input error array", "KronRadius": "The unscaled first-moment Kron radius", "MagSegment": "Magnitude corresponding to FluxSegment", "X2": "Variance along X", "Y2": "Variance along Y", "XY": "Covariance of position between X and Y", "CXX": "SExtractor's ellipse parameter", "CYY": "SExtractor's ellipse parameter", "CXY": "SExtractor's ellipse parameter", "Xmin": "Minimum X pixel within the minimal bounding box containing the source segment", "Xmax": "Maximum X pixel within the minimal bounding box containing the source segment", "Ymin": "Minimum Y pixel within the minimal bounding box containing the source segment", "Ymax": "Maximum Y pixel within the minimal bounding box containing the source segment", "Elongation": "Ratio of the lengths of the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipse", "Ellipticity": "Computed as 1 minus the inverse of the elongation", "Theta": "Angle between the X axis and the major axis of the 2D Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as the source.", "CI": "Concentration Index", "Flags": "Numeric encoding for conditions on detected sources"} for fcd_key in final_col_descrip.keys(): final_filter_table[fcd_key].description = final_col_descrip[fcd_key] # Add units final_col_unit = {"X-Centroid": "pixel", "Y-Centroid": "pixel", "RA": "degree", "DEC": "degree", "Bck": "electron/s", "Area": "pixel**2", "FWHM": "pixel", "MagAp1": "mag(AB)", "MagErrAp1": "mag(AB)", "FluxAp1": "electron/s", "FluxErrAp1": "electron/s", "MagAp2": "mag(AB)", "MagErrAp2": "mag(AB)", "FluxAp2": "electron/s", "FluxErrAp2": "electron/s", "MSkyAp2": "electron/(s pixel)", "MagSegment": "mag(AB)", "FluxSegment": "electron/s", "FluxSegmentErr": "electron/s", "KronRadius": "pixel", "X2": "pixel**2", "Y2": "pixel**2", "XY": "pixel**2", "CXX": "pixel**(-2)", "CYY": "pixel**(-2)", "CXY": "pixel**(-2)", "Xmin": "pixel", "Ymin": "pixel", "Xmax": "pixel", "Ymax": "pixel", "Theta": "radian", "CI": "mag(AB)", "Flags": "", "ID": "", "Elongation": "", "Ellipticity": ""} for fcu_key in final_col_unit.keys(): final_filter_table[fcu_key].unit = final_col_unit[fcu_key] return(final_filter_table) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def _define_empty_table(self, segm_img): """Create basic empty table based on total_table format to signify no valid sources were found""" final_col_unit = {"X-Centroid": "pixel", "Y-Centroid": "pixel", "RA": "degree", "DEC": "degree", "Flags": ""} final_col_format = {"ID": "7d", "X-Centroid": "10.3f", "Y-Centroid": "10.3f", "RA": "13.7f", "DEC": "13.7f", "Flags": "5d"} final_col_descrip = {"ID": "Catalog Object Identification Number", "X-Centroid": "Pixel Coordinate", "Y-Centroid": "Pixel Coordinate", "RA": "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation", "DEC": "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation", "Flags": "Numeric encoding for conditions on detected sources"} final_colnames = [k for k in final_col_format.keys()] # Initialize empty table with desired column names, descriptions and units empty_table = Table(names=final_colnames, descriptions=final_col_descrip, units=final_col_unit) # Add formatting for each column for fcf_key in final_col_format.keys(): empty_table[fcf_key].format = final_col_format[fcf_key] self.source_cat = empty_table self.sources = copy.deepcopy(segm_img) if self.sources: self.sources.nlabels = 0 # Insure nlabels is set to 0 to indicate no valid sources def _define_total_table(self, updated_table): """Set the overall format for the total detection output catalog. Define the column order, data format, output column names, descriptions, and units for the table. Parameters ---------- updated_table : Astropy table Table which has been generated based upon SourceCatalog information and contains many properties calculated for each segmented source. Returns ------ table : Astropy table A modified version of the input table which has been reformatted in preparation for catalog generation. """ # Extract just a few columns generated by the SourceCatalog as # more columns are appended to this table from the filter results. # Actually, the filter columns are in a table which is "database joined" # to the total table. During the combine process, the new columns are renamed, # formatted, and described (as necessary). For now this table only has id, xcentroid, # ycentroid, RA, and DEC. table = updated_table["label", "xcentroid", "ycentroid"] # Convert the RA/Dec SkyCoord into separate columns radec_data = SkyCoord(updated_table["sky_centroid_icrs"]) ra_icrs = dec_icrs = rr = Column(ra_icrs, name="RA", unit="degree") dd = Column(dec_icrs, name="DEC", unit="degree") table.add_columns([rr, dd]) # Rename columns to names to those used when HLA Classic catalog distributed by MAST # and/or to distinguish Point and Segment catalogs # The columns that are appended will be renamed during the combine process final_col_names = {"label": "ID", "xcentroid": "X-Centroid", "ycentroid": "Y-Centroid"} for old_col_title in final_col_names: table.rename_column(old_col_title, final_col_names[old_col_title]) # Format the current columns final_col_format = {"ID": "7d", "X-Centroid": "10.3f", "Y-Centroid": "10.3f", "RA": "13.7f", "DEC": "13.7f"} for fcf_key in final_col_format.keys(): table[fcf_key].format = final_col_format[fcf_key] # Add description descr_str = "Sky coordinate at epoch of observation" final_col_descrip = {"ID": "Catalog Object Identification Number", "X-Centroid": "Pixel Coordinate", "Y-Centroid": "Pixel Coordinate", "RA": descr_str, "DEC": descr_str} for fcd_key in final_col_descrip.keys(): table[fcd_key].description = final_col_descrip[fcd_key] # Add units final_col_unit = {"X-Centroid": "pixel", "Y-Centroid": "pixel", "RA": "degree", "DEC": "degree"} for fcu_key in final_col_unit.keys(): table[fcu_key].unit = final_col_unit[fcu_key] return(table) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def _evaluate_segmentation_image(self, segm_img, image_data, big_island_only=False, max_biggest_source=0.015, max_source_fraction=0.075): """ Determine if the largest "source" or if the total fraction of "sources" exceeds a threshold. Identify situations where the largest source exceeds a user-specified fraction of all image pixels and / or situations where the total source fraction exceeds a user-specified fraction of the image (aka 'big islands') Algorithm is essentially the standalone function written by R.L.White (STScI) for the Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA). Parameters ---------- segm_img : Segmentation image Segmentation image created by the Photutils package by detect_sources (). image_data : FITS data The total drizzled detection image (aka white light data). big_island_only : bool, optional Test for 'big island' situations only? (True/False) max_biggest_source : float, optional Maximum limit on the single largest detected "source". max_source_fraction : float, optional Maximum limit on the fraction of pixels identified as part of a "source". Returns ------- is_poor_quality: boolean True/False value indicating if the largest source or the total combination of all detected sources took up an abnormally high portion of the image (aka 'big islands'). biggest_source : float Value of the largest source in comparison to the total number of illuminated pixels in the image. source_fraction : float Value of the total combination of all detected sources in comparison to the total number of illuminated pixels in the image. """"")"Analyzing segmentation image.") is_poor_quality = True biggest_source = 1.0 source_fraction = 1.0 if segm_img is None:"Segmentation image is blank.") return is_poor_quality, biggest_source, source_fraction # If the segmentation image is not blank, start out assuming it is good. is_poor_quality = False # segm_img is a SegmentationImage, nbins must be at least 1 or segm_img == None nbins = segm_img.max_label"Number of sources from segmentation map: %d", nbins) # Compute the biggest source identified # The clip eliminates zero-divides when there are no good pixels in the image real_pixels = (np.isfinite(image_data) & (image_data != 0)).sum().clip(min=1) biggest_source = segm_img.areas.max()/real_pixels"Biggest_source in pixels: %d", segm_img.areas.max()) # Compute which segments are larger than the kernel. deb_limit = self.kernel.size log.debug("Deblending limit set at: {} pixels".format(deb_limit)) # Add big_segments as an attribute to SegmentationImage for use when deblending. # This is a Numpy array which currently contains the segment labels of # the segments in the image which should be deblended. Larger segments will be # filtered out in the "if/for block below" as the processing time to deblend # really enormous segments is prohibitive. segm_img.big_segments = None big_segments = np.where(segm_img.areas >= deb_limit)[0] + 1 # Segment labels are 1-based # The biggest_source may be > max_biggest_source indicating there are "big islands" # and is_poor_quality should be set to True. The is_poor_quality is only an indicator that # a different kernel type or background computation could be tried for improved results. if biggest_source > max_biggest_source:"Biggest source %.4f percent EXCEEDS %f percent of the image.", (100.0*biggest_source), (100.0*max_biggest_source)) is_poor_quality = True else:"Biggest source %.4f percent within the acceptable %f percent of the image.", (100.0*biggest_source), (100.0*max_biggest_source)) # Filter the big_segments array to remove the prohibitively large segments # as it is a very resource consuming task to deblend these segments if big_segments.size > 0: # Sort the areas and get the indices of the sorted areas area_indices = np.argsort(segm_img.areas) areas = np.sort(segm_img.areas) # Extract only the largest areas which are at least 10x size of next largest segment # Value of 10x is set in config file as "ratio_bigsource_deblend_limit" # Initialize with largest source, then look for any smaller ones that meet the # criteria. This guarantees that the largest source will always be ignored. big_areas = [area_indices[-1] + 1] for (i, a), (j, ind) in zip(enumerate(areas[::-1]), enumerate(area_indices[::-1])): # skip the first/largest segment, since it was used to initialize the list already if i == 0: continue # determine ratio of area with next smallest area # make sure there are enough entries in areas since the first/largest segment was skipped if len(areas) <= 2 or (i+2) > len(areas): break r = a / areas[-1*(i+2)] if r >= self._ratio_bigsource_deblend_limit: # Record the segmentation ID of large area to be ignored during deblending big_areas.append(ind + 1) else: # we are done with these areas break # Remove largest segments from list of 'large' segments to be deblended big_segments = big_segments.tolist() for b in big_areas: if len(big_segments) > 0 and b in big_segments: big_segments.remove(b) log.debug("Ignoring {} sources exceeding the deblending limit in size".format(len(big_areas))) # Convert back to ndarray big_segments = np.array(big_segments) if len(big_segments) > 0: segm_img.big_segments = big_segments else: segm_img.big_segments = None"Total number of sources suitable for deblending: {}".format(len(big_segments))) else:"There are no big segments larger than the deblending limit.") # Always compute the source_fraction so the value can be reported. Setting the # big_island_only parameter allows control over whether the source_fraction should # or should not be ignored. source_fraction = segm_img.areas.sum()/real_pixels if not big_island_only: if source_fraction > max_source_fraction:"Total source fraction %.4f percent EXCEEDS %f percent of the image.", (100.0*source_fraction), (100.0*max_source_fraction)) is_poor_quality = True else:"Total source fraction %.4f percent within the acceptable %f percent of the image.", (100.0*source_fraction), (100.0*max_source_fraction)) else:"INFORMATIONAL ONLY: Total source fraction %.4f percent.", (100.0*source_fraction)) return is_poor_quality, biggest_source, source_fraction # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def write_catalog(self, reject_catalogs): """Write the specified source catalog out to disk. Regardless of the setting for reject_catalogs, the regions file will be written solely based upon the setting of diagnostic_mode. Parameters ---------- reject_catalogs : dictionary Dictionary where the keys are the types of catalogs, and the values are bools indicating whether or not the catalogs (*.ecsv) should be written with their full contents or as empty catalogs. Returns ------- Nothing The total product catalog contains several columns contributed from each filter catalog. However, there is no guarantee that every filter catalog contains measurements for each source in the total product catalog which is to say the row is actually missing from the filter product catalog. When the catalog tables are combined in the combined_tables method, the missing entries will contain masked values represented by dashes. When these values are written to output ECSV files, they are written as empty ("") strings. In order for the catalogs to be ingested into a database by possible downstream processing, the masked values will be replaced by a numeric indicator. ... note : A catalog can have no rows of measurements because no sources were found OR because the catalog was "rejected" according to the cosmic ray rejection criterion. """ self.source_cat = self.annotate_table(self.source_cat, self.param_dict_qc, proc_type="segment", product=self.image.ghd_product) if reject_catalogs[self.catalog_type]: # We still want to write out empty files # This will delete all rows from the existing table self.source_cat.remove_rows(slice(0, None)) # Fill the nans and masked values with numeric data self.source_cat = fill_nans_maskvalues (self.source_cat, fill_value=constants.FLAG) # Write out catalog to ecsv file self.source_cat.write(self.sourcelist_filename, format=self.catalog_format, overwrite=True)"Wrote catalog file '{}' containing {} sources".format(self.sourcelist_filename, len(self.source_cat))) # For debugging purposes only, create a "regions" files to use for ds9 overlay of the segm_img. # Create the image regions file here in case there is a failure. This diagnostic portion of the # code should only be invoked when working on the total object catalog (self.segm_img is defined). if self.diagnostic_mode: # Copy out only the X and Y coordinates to a "diagnostic_mode table" and cast as an Astropy Table # so a scalar can be added to the centroid coordinates tbl = self.source_cat["X-Centroid", "Y-Centroid"] # Construct the diagnostic_mode output filename and write the regions file indx = self.sourcelist_filename.find("ecsv") outname = self.sourcelist_filename[0:indx] + "reg" tbl["X-Centroid"].info.format = ".10f" tbl["Y-Centroid"].info.format = ".10f" # Add one to the X and Y table values to put the data onto a one-based system, # particularly for display with ds9 tbl["X-Centroid"] = tbl["X-Centroid"] + 1 tbl["Y-Centroid"] = tbl["Y-Centroid"] + 1 tbl.write(outname, format="ascii.commented_header")"Wrote region file '{}' containing {} sources".format(outname, len(tbl))) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def combine_tables(self, subset_table): """Append specified measurements from the filter table to the total detection table. The "ID" column is used to map the filter table measurements to the total detection table Parameters ---------- subset_table : Astropy table A table containing a subset of columns from a filter catalog. """ # Evaluate self.source_cat (the total product list) even though len(self.source_cat) should not be possible if len(subset_table) == 0 or len(self.source_cat) == 0: log.error("No sources found in the current filter table nor in the total source table.") return # Keep all the rows in the original total detection table and add columns from the filter # table where a matching "id" key is present self.source_cat = join(self.source_cat, subset_table, keys="ID", join_type="left")
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Utility functions supporting segmentation of total image based on WHT array # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def make_inv_mask(mask): invmask = ~(mask.astype(bool)) invmask = invmask.astype(np.uint8) return invmask def make_wht_masks( whtarr: np.ndarray, # image weight array (dtype=float32), zeros outside of footprint maskarr: np.ndarray, # mask array (dtype=bool), typically inverse of footprint scale: float = 1.5, sensitivity: float = 0.95, kernel: tuple = (11, 11) # kernel size for maximum filter window ) -> list: # list containing a dictionary """ Uses scipy's maximum_filter to create the image weight masks of floats between 0 and 1. Function produces a list including a dictionary with the scale (float), wht_limit (float), mask (np.ndarray of bools, dtype=int16), and relative weight (np.ndarray, dtype=float32). """ # create inverse of mask as ints invmask = make_inv_mask(maskarr) # uses scipy maximum filter on image. Maximum filter selects the largest value within an ordered # window of pixels values and replaces the central pixel with the largest value. maxwht = ndimage.filters.maximum_filter(whtarr, size=kernel) # normalized weight array rel_wht = maxwht / maxwht.max() # initialize values delta = 0.0 master_mask = np.zeros(invmask.shape, dtype=np.uint16) limit = 1 / scale masks = [] # loop through scale values until delta is greater than sensitivity while delta < sensitivity: mask = rel_wht > limit mask = (mask.astype(np.uint16) * invmask) - master_mask new_delta = master_mask.sum() / mask.sum() if new_delta < sensitivity: masks.append( dict( scale=limit, wht_limit=limit * maxwht.max(), mask=mask, rel_weight=rel_wht * mask, ) ) delta = new_delta master_mask = master_mask + mask limit /= scale return masks # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Utility functions supporting point and segmentation catalogs # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def fill_nans_maskvalues(catalog, fill_value=constants.FLAG): # Fill the masked values with fill_value - the value is truncated for int as datatype of column is known catalog = catalog.filled(fill_value) # Also fill any nan values with fill_value for col in catalog.itercols(): np.nan_to_num(col, copy=False, nan=fill_value) return catalog def enforce_icrs_compatibility(catalog): """This function insures that the source catalog can return ICRS sky coordinates. # This function guards against a non-standard coordinate system being defined in the input image headers # If something non-standard is found, set the value to 'ICRS' to insure that the # table conversion works. Checking against the set of valid options recognized by WCSLIB and # documented in is necessary since the # header keyword REFFRAME can be populated with anything specified by the user in the original # proposal. """ # We need to check whether or not the catalog was generated with photutils<1.6.0 or not # since photutils=1.6.0 (apparently) renamed the 'catalog._wcs' to 'catalog.wcs'. cat_wcs = catalog.wcs if hasattr(catalog, 'wcs') else catalog._wcs if cat_wcs.wcs.radesys.upper() not in RADESYS_OPTIONS: cat_wcs.wcs.radesys = 'ICRS' log.warning(f"Assuming input coordinates are ICRS, instead of {cat_wcs.wcs.radesys}") log.warning(f"Sky coordinates of source objects may not be accurate.")